How many of you got Morning Sickness?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Im trying to conceive at the mo as most of you prob know and I just wnated to find out how many of you girlies that are expecting actually had nausea or actual sickness during early pregnancy? :(

Its the one thing im really worried about getting when (or if) I get pregnant and just wanted to see how common it is!

Thanks mummies love and hugs to you all xx
I didn't have it all all with my daughter, but had nausea (no actual sickness though) 24/7 from about 4 weeks until about 10/11 weeks with this one.

Hmmm, wonder if that's another sign that this one is a boy??
i felt sick alot but was never sick until i got 2 about 8 weeks... then it was none stop until about 14 weeks!! was totally horrible!!
u could be right tankett cuz im havin a boy!!
I have been throwing up since about 4 weeks and now I think it is calming down. It used to be up to 8 times a day and even at night. I seem to be sick about every 4 days at the mo' which is so much better. I can't eat any fruit at all or I'm violently sick, even orange squash makes me sick :(
I was sick every day right into the second trimester and lost a stone in 5 weeks - had a boy too
I haven't experienced much morning sickness, feel a bit quesy when I first wake up but have a packet of digestives by my bed, and one of them before I get up usually helps. My worst time is at night from about 6 till 9, it's hard to know what to eat and although I haven't actually been sick, I get the watery feeling in my mouth and retch like a cat with a hairball stuck in it's throat!! Don't worry about the morning sickness though, some people never experience any!!
Hi ya

I wasn't sick with my first child, just felt it in the mornings. This time i just feel sick in the afternoons but not been actually sick yet (early days though), some people don't get anything at all, fingers crossed you'll be one of the lucy ones, good luck to you :D
I was only actually sick the once, I felt sick every morning when I first woke up and whenever I was hungry I would feel nauseaus. I found that ginger biscuits and plain rich tea biscuits helped me - had a packet in my bag at all times!!

With my 1st daughter i was sick untill about 20 weeks! With this pregnancy im started being sick about 6 weeks, was constantly sick throughout the day! Then it calmed down a bit at 16 weeks, but now im throwing up everyday again untill about lunch time! Not a nice feeling! Lets hope that you dont get it too bad or at all when you concieve lol

Fingers crossed!! I could prob cope with a bit of nausea but not throwing up all day. Ive heard if you dont get sickness it might be because you do not have enough hormones in the body, is this true does anyone know? It really does look like most preg women get sickness of some sort :(

I never did at all, got nausious more later on? i know wierd but no throwing up.
That gives me hope Katrina wanna hear more posts like yours. You were probably one of the luckier ones by the sound of it!
I never had sickness at all throughout my pregnancy.

I did want to get morning sickness though to make me feel pregnant- without the symptoms it doesn't feel real!
So did you not even FEEL sick then Hazel? In a way that must be odd!!
I was so ill from 4 weeks until the last few days!

Now i just feel sick lol
JaidyBaby said:
So did you not even FEEL sick then Hazel? In a way that must be odd!!

No i never felt sick at all. Never even felt baby move much neither :?
Hi Well sorry to disappoint you but I got morning sickness from about 4 weeks until I hit 26 weeks, got admitted 3 times to hospital, and It's horrible, I threw up constantly every day I went from a size 14 to a 8. and there's nothing you can do to stop it, And I'm having a boy so it must be something that runs in boys???
Oh god....its a boy that I want. Ewwww I just dont know how im gonna cope when I get preg, I really do HATE being sick, its like a phobia!! Praying I will not get it :pray:
I am also hoping I'm having a boy, I thought the old wives tale was that if you are sick its a girl. I've been very sick and would love a baby boy!

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