How many nappies per day?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Roughly how many nappies a day do you get through with a newborn?

I was reading another thread here about buying nappies in advance. I've bought 3 packs of the newborn size (4-11lbs). They are different makes as I wanted to try a few out. Is this enough to have in advance?

I know it's hard to judge as we don't know for sure how big the baby is (but I'm guessing he'll be around 7-8lbs as he was estimated to be 4 1/2 lbs at 32 weeks).

What other essentials do I really need to get beforehand... cotton wool/creams/talc/bath bubbles?

Thanks ladies! :hug:
i wouldnt use talc on a newborn baby... but maybe thats just my opinion. i think you have enough nappies for now, as you can decide on a brand you like from the ones you have already bought.
for bathtime i bought baby shampoo, bath bubbles and johnsons baby oil gel but i didnt use any of these for the 1st few weeks as i thought Rhys' skin may be too sensitive as a newborn. i started using them when rhys was around 2-3 weeks old. at first we washed rhys in a washing up bowl then moved to a baby bath when he was around a month old. to get rhys used to water we have bathed him once a day since birth, now its part of our 'bedtime routine' so he knows when its time to calm down and go to sleep.
we also had 3 tommee tippee closer to nature bottles (5oz) on hand just incase i could not breastfeed, which i couldnt. we then bought 4 bigger tommee tippee closer to nature bottles (9oz) and we are still using those today. if you are planning to breastfeed i would still have formula on hand just incase, even if its just a small carton.
we also had a decongester to clear Rhys' nazel passage as he inhaled a lot of goo during labour, we still use it if he has a blocked nose.
i would get:
a baby shampoo
a baby bath soap ( I wouldnt use these two until baby is a few weeks old)
some sudacrem (sp?)

newborn babies usually go through about 7-8 nappies a day i would say

i agree with tezzy, i wouldnt use talc on a new born baby
they could breathe it in
yeah i would buy sudacream but would not put it on with every nappy... only when your baby needs it
I went through about 6 a day usually when Jake was newborn. I stocked up on nappies and wipes before Jake was born. I would buy a few packs of newborn and then start buying size 2 as you don't know how big your baby will be and how long they will fit in newborn nappies. If you need more you can buy tham after the birth. Jake will still fit in some size 2 nappies now ( he was 7lb 2oz born) but I have started putting him in size 3 although a bit on the larger size as he is long and slim but over 6 months old. Huggies and Pampers come up bigger than Supermarket own brand nappies. The only nappies I don't like are Sainsburys and Boots and I don't like Huggies or Sainsburys wipes as they are too dry.
hi there.. im just going to add to what the ladies have already said.. 3 packs of new born are definatly enough..for now. i think we went through about 5 nappies a day every day untill she was about 1 then we went through about 3-4 after that dont bother with jonsons baby baths, shampoos etc. the midwife told me charlotte had a rash from them coz they are to harsh for a new born baby, get a block of simple soap. you can wash the babies hair with that, and when the baby is new born dont bath him/her every day it can cause skin problems every other day is probably better. my midwife told me not to use talk, because it can go into the lungs as fine powder, and cause athsma so i never used it..
Thanks for your replies ladies. So it seems I have enough newborn size nappies for now. :) That's good.

I also have a little pot of Sudocream (from the Bounty pack) and will use that up before buying more.

Interesting about the talc. I can see how the concerns come about as it is really fine and puffs everywhere. I did use it on my first son all those years ago. Co-incidentally he is asthmatic. I doubt if it's entirely due to the talc but as we have asthma in the family I won't risk it with this LO.


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