How many feeds at 15mths?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Just wondering how many times you ladies breast feed your LOs at over a year old? Fin is 15 months now and feeds about 4 times still during the day, that's wake up, lunch, late afternoon and bed. I don't know if he is having the right amount but does have other dairy products too x
I'm not breast feeding Nathan but he is on 2 bottles a day now. He has been on 3 a day for months, 1 in the morning, 1 about 3pm and 1 before bed but he dropped the afternoon 1 last week. He still has 18oz of milk a day plus water through out the day.
Im not BF either but O only has 1 bottle a day and has since about 10 months, he just stopped drinking the others, even stopped his bed time one of forular but started drinking it when I changed it to Cows milk so he just has the one 7oz at bed now, but drink TONS of water and juice in the day and gets his dairy through other stuff,.
Hi Mermaid, Tom is on two bottles a day now. One first thing in the morning and the other at bedtime. He just has water during the day. He also has yoghurt and cheese.
jayde is one and from about 9 months she only has a bottle of milk befor e bed cows milk now
Mmm, maybe i should be cutting out the feeds then?...
LucyBee said:
Hi Mermaid, Tom is on two bottles a day now. One first thing in the morning and the other at bedtime. He just has water during the day. He also has yoghurt and cheese.

Don't quote me on this but I think they're supposed to have a minimum of 14oz milk/dairy products at this age as they need the calcium. Maybe try swapping the daytime bottles for water and give him a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon aswell to keep him from being hungry.
L x
Ellie was taking one feed before bed and occasionally one during the night if she woke. We then discovered that if Daddy went in, she would settle straight back down without a feed, however if she saw me to had to have one. However Ellie dropped all the day time feeds on her own. I would offer them to her and she just wasn't interested. A few nights ago she had her last breastfeed, she just wasn't interested in the one before bed.

Go with what works for you and your LO.

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