How many early scans have you had?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Afternoon ladies

I had a private scan last Saturday when I was 7+5 for reassurance and as I have not had any symptoms, we saw baby and heartbeat which was amazing. I have my hospital scan date through which is 29th March and I will be 12+5. I am considering having another privae scan at about 10.5 or 11 weeks and then would tell our parents as we are moving and I don't want them to think I am being lazy not lifting boxes. My only concern is weighing up the risk of having 3 scans in the first tri.

I know nobody knows yet if there are any risks associated but have any of you had more than 1 reassurance scan before your hospital scan?

What would you do? Should I just wait until my next scan or book another one?

Sorry this is a much longer post than I thought!
It's up to you.

TBH if you've had no heavy bleeding or cramps and everything was fine at your early scan and LO was in there and doing well, I'd not worry about another reassurance scan but wait for the dating one via the NHS.

I'd also consider telling your parents the good news so as to avoid any misunderstanding when you come to moving. You can still carry things, just avoid heavy lifting etc. I'm sure telling them around the move time would be fine.

Good luck :)
Honestly I feel so lucky i dont know how women survive waiting for their 12 week scan!

I had 2 reassurance scan first at 7.6weeks and second 9.6 weeks both amazing!

Got another nuchal scan at 12.7 days next week all on NHS as I had 3 prior mc's

I personally feel gp's should do it STANDARD from 7 weeks to say the pregnancy is viable.
Hiya hun :wave:

I had an early scan on the NHS at around 7 weekss due to previous losses and then i had a minor bleed at 9 weeks +3 so we went and had a private scan and i have my 12 week NHS scan in 6 days

Its entirely your choice, it doesnt do any harm having the extra scans, its just another little chance of seeing your bubs

Hiya Hun

I had a tiny bleed at 11 weeks and went to A & E who said it was a urine infection, but i needed the reassurance that bubs was OK so I paid for a private scan the following week, when i was approx 11+5, I still hadnt had my date for the NHS scan so I paid for another private scan when I was approx 13 week, then my NHS scan came thru for the following week!!! I had another tiny bleed at 16 weeks and had internal at the local EPAU but they wouldnt scan me so I once again paid for a private scan. I had my 21 week scan NHS and was going to have a 4D one as well, but hubby wasnt too keen as we'd spent like £300 on scans already.
I was very lucky also, since I had 1 miscarriage they offered me a scan at 6 weeks and one at 8 weeks, then a usual dating scan at 12 weeks.

It also depends on which area you are in - how well staffed they are :)
I had a scan at 5+5 weeks as had IUI and check viability, 7+3 weeks as had heavy bleeding, 8+4 as had big fat swollen ovaries, 10 weeks to check ovaries again and 12+3 for dating and nuchal.
5 in total, might have a private scan at 18 weeks as I'm desperate to know the sex and will be on holiday when 20 week scan is due and I can't wait until 22 weeks :lol: .
I had my nuchal and dating scan at 11+3 then due to complications and concerns I had a reassurance scan at 13+3

i'm still to have my NHS dating scan due it when i'm 15 weeks, so paid for a scan at 12 weeks.
I paid for a private scan at 7 + 5 weeks.

Had an NHS scan earlier this week due to spotting.

But they've said that I now won't get the 12 week scan, all is not lost though as we have a private nuchal scan booked when I'm 12 weeks exactly.

Although they told me at the epau to go back to the docs if I'm still spotting in a fortnights time, at the mo it's not looking like it's letting up.

Do what you feel is right for you :)

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