how many bottles of milk...


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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how many bottles of milk a day do you give your LO's that are weaning?

We currently give Holly 3 a day. One at around 10am, 2pm and before bed. She has 6oz bottles. She also has milk on her cereal, a small lunch and tea followed by a petit filous, but she only has a few sppons. Now she is 6mths our hv has told us that the food is more important so to increase her food intake, but everything I have read tells me she should still be getting at least 18oz of milk per day....

I am not sure which way to go now and i dont want to overfeed her :think:
I found that when we started weaning Maddison started to want less milk. By about 7 months she would only take 2 bottles a day (one in morning, when before bed) which is what she has now. She has 3 meals a day and snacks throughout the day too. I put 4oz of formula in Maddisons cereal when she dropped a bottle :wink:
I feel exactly the same, my LO is literally days younger then yours. He usually has 3 or 4. If he wakes at 3am he has 8oz then and one around 9am (6oz) 3pm (6oz) 7.30pm (8oz) at the mo hes having breakfast usually around 7am and lunch at 1pm. I havent introduced tea yet as i dont want him to drink less on his 7.30pm bottle before bed. Im hoping when he gets older and a bit hungrier to introduce tea at 4.30ish then hopefully he wont drop any bottles.
At the moment ryan has 6oz every 3 hours but sleeps through the night and he has a bit of food in the early evening which i ussually give just after an hour after his last bottle and he still cries for his bottle 3 hours after even tho he has had food

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