how many bottles?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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as u may kno i stopped BFing 5 weeks ago and as melissa was already on 3 solid meals a day, iv only been making up 2 or 3 bottles a day.

she'll hav one in the morning (8 scoops) but wont usually drink it all will maybe leave 100mls. then throughout the day she might hav another half a bottle or sometimes a full one. then at bedtime she has another one, but she rarely finishes that, theres always over 100mls left.

after her first birthday she wont need formula any more will she, so do i need to gradually reduce the bottles so by then its only one i'll be stopping?

how many bottles do 9-and-a-half-month-olds have, and do bottle-feeding mummies drop bottles at certain ages so eventually theres just one?

when i started weaning properly, millie kinda dropped the daytime breast-feeds herself- and i *think* this is what she's doing with the bottles now, she doesnt seem to want formula during the daytime. is she leading me here? should i only give milk first thing and last thing?

sorry if thats dumb thanx in advance x
She probably is dropping them cos she dont need them, Imogen has only two bottles now, one in morning and one in the evening and is on 2 - 3 meals day. And shes only 7 months old.

Maybe millie would be happier off with more food during the day and water then milk a milk is a meal itself with babies.
Keeley's 18months and still has two bottles a day she has one first thing in the morning and a bedtime one... I would gradually wean millie off the one during the day mayb offer her snacks instead :)

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