How many babies do you want

Currently we're hoping to have four. However, we might change our minds after we've had this little one if s/he is a nightmare! We're thinking to try and space them out at 2 year intervals. I don't want to do what my Mum did and fall pregnant with the next almost immediately afterwards (there's only just over a year between me and my middle sister).
I think i will haev 12 and become a scrounger from the council -------- ok sorry probably shouldn't go down that route again!

Honestly though i would like 4 but i guess it depends on money and how my Hubby's business goes - hopefully have 4 but you never know x
We would like 1 or 2, depending on how long it takes to get pregnant with our first one as we dont want to be doing the baby thing in our 40's, and we're not far off :lol: We are confident we can give an only child a happy and social childhood without them feeling lonely.

Twins would be the ideal, and we keep saying how amazing it would be, not far off going on the waiting list for IVF so you never know :pray:

For those saying they dont want different dads for their kids, its a comendable attitude and I always said the same thing - once I split from my girls dad and they stayed with him, I kind of resigned myself to never having kids again. But then I met OH and everything changed, and when you find someone who is worthy of your love and your childs love, you may feel differently too - your breeding years arnt necassarily quite over yet :lol:
tots hope said:
I think i will haev 12 and become a scrounger from the council -------- ok sorry probably shouldn't go down that route again!

whats so bad about people who have council houses, we're not all scroungers you know :shakehead:

sartet said:
tots hope said:
I think i will haev 12 and become a scrounger from the council -------- ok sorry probably shouldn't go down that route again!

whats so bad about people who have council houses, we're not all scroungers you know :shakehead:


Shes refering to a previous thread about a couple with 12 kids on benefits being given a 500k house, no-one would dare suggest all council tennants are the same :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
sartet said:
tots hope said:
I think i will haev 12 and become a scrounger from the council -------- ok sorry probably shouldn't go down that route again!

whats so bad about people who have council houses, we're not all scroungers you know :shakehead:


Shes refering to a previous thread about a couple with 12 kids on benefits being given a 500k house, no-one would dare suggest all council tennants are the same :hug:

ok then :D

should really catch up on forum :lol:
I have a gorgeous son and a beautiful daughter, they will both be in full time school as from Sept and I am going through a bit of a crisis with feelings of being left behind and not needed anymore - it's so weird when your youngest starts school, I suddenly panicked the other day about having no plans for the 6 hours a day at home alone - for months I have been sooo broody for a 3rd baby BUT I'm glad now I didn't make the decision to get pregnant because I am starting to feel like maybe it would be wrong despite the broodiness. At the end of the day Im not sure what another baby would actually bring - I already have a boy and a girl, both intelligent, beautiful, wonderful children and I would like to provide better for them.
So I've made a really hard decision not to have anymore and to do the best for the 2 I have already, I am starting a college course in Sept (hopefully) and instead of dreaming about bumps and prams I am now focussing on a new career, more money, taking the kids abroad, more hobbies/activities for them. I'm still broody and sad I'll never give birth again but at the end of the day the 2 children I have are more important and they deserve as much energy and attention as possible. They just wouldn't get that if I had another
HappyAlice said:
I have a gorgeous son and a beautiful daughter, they will both be in full time school as from Sept and I am going through a bit of a crisis with feelings of being left behind and not needed anymore - it's so weird when your youngest starts school, I suddenly panicked the other day about having no plans for the 6 hours a day at home alone - for months I have been sooo broody for a 3rd baby BUT I'm glad now I didn't make the decision to get pregnant because I am starting to feel like maybe it would be wrong despite the broodiness. At the end of the day Im not sure what another baby would actually bring - I already have a boy and a girl, both intelligent, beautiful, wonderful children and I would like to provide better for them.
So I've made a really hard decision not to have anymore and to do the best for the 2 I have already, I am starting a college course in Sept (hopefully) and instead of dreaming about bumps and prams I am now focussing on a new career, more money, taking the kids abroad, more hobbies/activities for them. I'm still broody and sad I'll never give birth again but at the end of the day the 2 children I have are more important and they deserve as much energy and attention as possible. They just wouldn't get that if I had another

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sartet - sorry if i offended you i was referring to another thread but maybe i should have made myself more clear. Really sorry if i offended you. I certainly dont think all people who live in Council properties are scroungers - please accept my appology?

Sent you a PM Sartet
I would have loved 4 or 5, but I'm thrilled to even have the chance of 2 :D

For those who don't want their children to have different dads..why? It doesn't mean anything, 2 children from 2 loving relationships where one just didn't work what - 2 happy children really aren't going to care less :wink: I have a different birth father to my sisters and it meant nothing :D

Would you feel the same if (god forbid :pray: ) you had been widowed or is it guilt from a relationship breaking down? Don't wipe out the possibilities for yourselves :hug:
dunno its just the thought of having different fathers is a bit awkward but i will do it i just didnt want to i would have preferred to of stayed with Damien n had a happy family but seeing as the circumstances were shit
I dumped his druggy woman beating ass n moved here :D
Id love 3 but id be over the moon if one would pop out :roll: :hug:
I'd like 3 or 4 (I'm one of 4 myself), but I don't think we could afford it.

It was hard work getting OH to agree to a 2nd, so I really don't think he'd want a 3rd!
to the girls who dont want two different father to their babies, i know it isnt ideal but please dont give up on the thought of having more children just becaue they wont have the same dads. my mum had my brother at 17 and her relationship didnt work out with his dad and by the age of 20 they split up and then she met my dad and went on to have my sister and me. All my life ive never thoguht of my brother as any less of a sibling than my sister even though we dont have the same dad. i always refer to him as my brother and never my half-brother as doing that would make me feel as if i loved him less.
your all so young please dont write off having anymore children because your not with your babys father, i know you'll all meet someone who will be the love of your life and you'll want to have children with them. i hope i didnt offend anyone with that :hug: .
i would love to have more than 2 but under 6 lol.. 5 max i think..
hopefully though there wil be a lovely man in my life that i can settle down with to have the rest of my children, but it wnt be for a little while yet,
:) i want my body back for a while :)
love loads but Gal doesnt want more then two so i will compramise :D

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