How many babies do you want?

I think i'm pretty happy at 4, 2 lots of 2 close together which is what i always wanted, but in a few yrs when baby n ry are at school age i might have one more as we have a 7 seater so might aswell fill it eh :wink:
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted 3, but then I think I dont want 3 of the same sex so then I think I would like 4, two boys and two girls so my boys have a brother and my girls have a sister.............. Am I expecting too much.................probably!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying for one baby has caused me so much heartache that I really think we would stick at one if we are lucky enough.
We always wanted 4 - didn't mind the gender...........

but it took us 15 years to have Grace - and I am 41 now - so I think we will stop at one...

Feel so blessed and privilaged to have Grace .......... although must admit that I am really missing being pregnant :(
i would like as many as we could afford and love if that makes sense. i know somebody who has 5 children adn none of them are properly looked after i would never want that...

i think we will have minimum of 3
I get broody as hell but I would feel so bad for Jam with a younger sibling cos I know what its like to b shoved out the picture :(

I am more than happy and blessed with Jamie so why break a winning combination! :D
I wanted one of each.
Now I want two of each, but hubby wants to stick with the one of each lol.
I would like four or five - I just have to convince my OH. May change my mind later but right now I want a large brood.
i'll love to have 4... but will see how it goes with my 1st

ask me in 3 months :lol:
I would like to have 3 but DH only wants to have 2 - might have to get my persuasive powers working :wink:

Well we have got 2 at the min and would really love another 1 so hopefully fingers crossed we will get to have one in the future :)
I only ever wanted 1 (wasn't bothered about the sex) and i've got a son and don't want anymore :)
when i was preggers i was adament i wasnt havin anymore! especialy seeing as i got my girl. but when i gave birth, that was it i wanted LOADSSSSS!!! lol

but i think now it will just be one more, unless i win the lottery then ill be the nutter on here wtih 21 kids :D ;)

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