How long....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Does it take you to get ready?

If it's just a normal day, from getting up and having a shower, washing, drying and straightening my hair and putting on mascara and lipgloss and some clothes prob takes me about 30-45min.

If it is for a night out.... oh lordy I take forever!! I will go into the shower at about 3pm have a long shower doing all my defuzzing etc, then I come out and moisturing and put on my undies and dressing gown. Then dry and straighten my hair. Then do my eyebrowns and make up. Then at the last minute put on my dress/going out outfit check my hair and make up again and go out the door while giving myself a squirt of perfume!
If its a school run then just throw on my clothes and hide my minging mug in a pair of oversized sunspecs! and get myself sorted when i get home - about 10 mins though.

If im going out your talking a good hour or so as applying make up is meticulous process! Choosing clothes can be a pain too!
On a normal day, Shower, tying up my hair, putting on make-up and get dressed is about an hour. That's when Angel is being a bugger. On the rare occasion she sleeps in the morning then about half an hour.

On a night out I'll dry and straighten my hair, take more care over my make-up and change the outfit several times, then 2 hours. But that was a loooong time ago now. Next time i go out i have to remember to put perfume on to disguise the baby sick scent!
i dont shower EVERYDAY, so normal mornings probls only 10mins. (clothes,wash,hair)

on a night out, ill do Everything, but im not a one for AGGGESS anyway - probs an hour (including shower/shave/make-up/hair/clothes)
apart from shower, about two minutes.I always know what i'm going to wear and i don't wear much makeup
Shower, wash/dry/straighten hair, bit of make up.... probs about 30mins but usually broken up cos of a certain little monkey wanting mummys attention :lol:

On a night out... if im having a 'fat day' then forever but if im feeling ok then probs couple of hrs :) depends where im going and how prepared I am!
Always an hour, jump in the shower, wash hair twice, sing to Clark in his bouncer (thats 10 minutes alone!), put conditioner on, shave legs, armpits and other unmentionables (I hate bodily hair :x ), rinse conditioner out, scrub whole body ect ect............ just that lot takes 25 minutes at least, then there is tooth brushing, make up, clothes, and finally blow drying and straightening hair!

Started back at work this morning, had to get up at 6.30am just to be there for 8.30! Wish I had an easier routine but I feel like a tramp if I don't do it all!
Blimey evemarie I couldn't be faffed with all that LOL.

I'm with Zebrastripes at about 2 mins :D

I don't need much make-up...........I'm beautiful enough without it :rotfl:
Without a shower it takes me about 15 minutes to get myself and Lola ready :)
Most days, about an hour. Ella usually sleeps in until 10am, I always shower wash, dry and straighten my hair.
If it's a day like yesterday where I couldn't be bothered to do alot then quick shower then I get dressed. Yesterday I didn't even brush my hair until I went out in the afternoon :lol:

On a night out, a few hours.

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