How Long


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
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Hi Everyone :wave:

How many months have you all been trying to conceive for and how old are you all? I'm 32 and have only been trying for two months - this will be my first baby - when I eventually get pregnant!!

hi Zoe
just got my BFP this month. was trying for 9 months after coming off the pill and im 26. good luck and hope you get your BFP soon! :hug:
Hi Zoe :wave:

I'm 29 and still TTC #1

I started a 17 months ago and have had 2 miscarriages. I will get there one day though.

Good Luck :pray: , I hope you get a BFP really quickly before you turn into a nutter like half of us here :wink:

I'm 38 had a m/c in May and have been trying since then. The annoying thing is when I did get pg we weren't even trying cos we were getting married and I wanted to enjoy the day and honeymoon without worrying about what I could and couldn't eat and drink. Anyway a week before the wedding I knew I was ovulating so said to dh lets give it go and see what happens - had a big surprise on honeymoon but sadly wasn't to be. My Af is due next Wednesday so hoping for a BFP - this will be my first baba when I finally do get there.
meant to say a BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS Emma that's fantastic news well done. :cheer:
Hi, i'm 24 n been ttc number 4 for 13 months, got pg early in the year but m/c at 10 wks. fingers crossed for this month
good luck ttc :D

Our TTC attempts are on hold till after the wedding now (6 months away) but we WERE trying for six months before we decided to have a break from it. We are both 26 - trying for first pregnancy for both of us.

Alice x
its proabably a wise move alicebabe best of luck with your wedding plans

Well were ttc number 2 and since having Kiara we have not taken anything we decided if i got pregnant right away it would be fine well 8 months later im stillnot pregnant but mid October i might start trying harder we want our kids close in age :D crazy i know.
Been TTC for 8 months and been to the docs today to see if they can check me out.... the only thing they told me was to lose weight and come back when i have =been ttc for 2years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donna79x... 2 years :shock: yikes thats a long time i hate all docs tell you different time periods, hope you get BFP before that hun

I am 27 and been TTC our first. This is only 2nd month

I'm 24 and TTC baby 1 for 8 months but only 6 months properly (in 2 weeks)
Had 1 MC.
I had my coil removed in July last year after coming back from our honeymoon, and got my BFP on New Years Day! So about 5 months trying, although it seemed a lot longer than that. :roll:

I'm 33 and we've been trying 21 (long) months...hoping for some good news on our first IVF cycle.

Good luck TTC.



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