How long....


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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...did you wait until you started ttc after your m/c?

I know my dr at the hospital said that I should probably wait until I've had one period after the m/c so my body's got a chance to return to normal but he also said that there's no reason why we can't start trying straight away.

Do you know if there is a higher chance of me having another m/c if we start straight away and I get pregnant again soon?

I'm getting impatient!!
We both wanted to get straight back to it after the first. And did. And got a BFP straight away. They say your cervix stays open longer after a m/c so the chances of conception are raised.

Sadly we lost number two. I was incredibly worried when I caught the second time and people assured me that it was 'new sperm new egg' but I can't help but wonder if I didn't give myself time enough to build up a nice thick endometrium for implantation. It could just have been bad luck (or bad genes) twice in a row, it could have been this mysterious pineapple juice I've been asking about: I don't know.

My doctor (bear in mind what I have said before about 'care' over here) told me to wait 6 months before trying again and advised me to go back on the pill. After a lot of asking around I discovered that the only reason to wait before TTC again after an early m/c is for emotional healing and dating purposes. Unless you've had heavy bleeding or the like then there is really no reason for TTC again right away.

After the second m/c we didn't go at it like bunnies (although we didn't stop completely) as I was too low really and we both wanted to let things settle a bit. I have had one AF since m/c number 2 and am hoping to fall again this month (aren't we all) so we'll see I guess.

Good luck hon. And big hugs. There will always be worry that you will lose baby number 2 but keep telling yourself : New sperm, new egg...
Thank you sweetie,
I am torn between wanting to get back to ttc and it being a new sperm, new egg but then in the back of my mind I worry that if i don't give myself long enough I'll end up m/c'ing again and that would be awful.

I have healed both emotionally and physically (the bleeding stopped 2 days ago). I had a blighted ovum so there never was a baby, which has made it easier to come to terms with. I was devastated initially but logic has taken over now and I know that it would never have developed properly and that's why my body did what it had to do.

Maybe we'll just start bd'ing and see what happens. You never know, it might take ages for me to get pregnant again.

:hug: :hug:
That's the attitude we had. Except we tried to do it every day as we were back to being desperate again lol.

I reckon if it's early then there's not such a huge effect on your body. It's a blessing I suppose that both mine have been so early - less time to physically recover. My AF was 2 days 'late' this month which after 2 m/cs in a row was pretty impressive I thought.

The important thing is whenever you feel ready. I reckon you're always going to worry when you do conceive again (I know I will be bricking it. Again) but if you feel ready to TTC again then don't let anyone tell you what you 'should' be doing. Like I say, our 'specialist' told me to go back on the pill for 6 months!!!!!
I was adviced by the hospital to have one AF after the MC and then it was ok to start trying again. Hope you get lucky soon! :hug:
I found out on 23 December at my 12 week scan that my baby stopped developing at 7 weeks 2 days (now booked in for ERPC on Monday). Me and my husband were so upset and shocked. I also feel a bit angry that I did everything right. I gave up smoking and drinking, tried to eat healthily and take my vitamins. It obviously just wasn't meant to be.

The lady that did my scan said they normally recommend waiting until your first
period before trying again (but I think this may be so it makes it easier for them to date the pregnancy) but when I spoke to the doctor, she said she recommends we wait for around 3 months. Well we don't plan on doing that. We are going to try again straight away. God forbid, but if this happens again, then I will just assume my body wasn't ready and will then wait a few months before trying again. Hopefully it won't come to that.

The same thing happened to my SIL. She had an ERPC and then got pregnant again pretty much straight away and my nephew is now 6 so she obviously had no problems and I've also read about a lot of ppl who have also had the same thing.

I'd say try again when you are ready, I know I'm ready and as soon as the bleeding stops after the ERPC, we will be trying again. I think if this does happen again, I will be much more prepared for it. When she told me "I'm so sorry, your baby hasn't developed", I was soooo shocked. I would have been less shocked if she had told me that I hadn't actually been pregnant at all.

I have never experienced upset like this but I'm strong enough to get through this and move on as soon as possible.

So I would say, when you are ready to start trying again, go for it. Good luck. I hope and pray that everything goes perfectly next time, as I do for myself. No one deserves to go through this xxx
Oh Susan, i'm so sorry for your loss :hug: I hope all goes well for you on Monday. It's a horrible thing to go through and unfortunately, it's just one of those things that was completely out of your control.
My midwife said the other day it's like your body doesn't know what it's doing the first time so things don't work out properly but there is such a high chance of all being well afterwards and that gives me hope.

We've decided to start ttc straight away and just see what happens. The midwife said we should wait a while but sod that! I want that feeling of being pregnant back and there's no guarantee that i'll get pregnant straight away. If it doesn't work out then i'll cross that bridge when i come to it.

I was only 6wks when I m/c'd and the bleeding lasted about 8 days and I've been fine since that pain, no spotting, so i'm hoping all is well and it doesn't hurt to bd!!! :wink:

Thank you ladies :hug:
I found out in July that I was pregnant, but after a week or so of bleeding in August we were told it was a blighted ovum (I was 10w). I didn't m/c naturally so had to have a D&C at 12w. This wasn't successful so I had to have another D&C at 14w. This wasn't successful either, and I finally passed the sac naturally at 16w, in October. I'd been having daily bleeding/spotting for 10w by that point and it continued for another week afterwards.

We asked about TTC and both gynaes (one after each op) said to wait a full week after bleeding had stopped before having intercourse, in order to avoid infection, but no need to wait a particular length of time before TTC.

I was using OPKs and charting fertility signs, so about 2 weeks or so after I'd passed the sac (just over a week after the bleeding had eventually stopped) we tried every other day about 3 times - that was hard enough. By the end of October, I had a new BFP. So far we've had two scans and heard the hb twice on a doppler, with the 12w scan delayed until next week because of Xmas/New Year. I'd heard rumours about the lining not being thick enough, and given that I had effectively gone through three "miscarriages", though all for the same pregnancy, in the space of 4 weeks, I was worried. My doctor told me that's an urban myth - if your lining is not thick enough to support a pregnancy, the fertilised egg simply won't implant. His attitude (and that of the gynae he phoned for a second opinion to reassure me!) was that if your body is not able to cope with pregnancy, it won't get pregnant till it is able to cope.

By the way, there's been no fuss about dating this pregnancy. Because I'd been charting, I had an ovulation date even though my LMP date is technically 3 June and thus useless. My doctor simply took my ovulation date minus 2 weeks and used that as "assumed LMP". The scans have both been within a couple of days of this date, so all's fine. If you are going to try again without waiting, however, it really is worth using OPKs or something. The main issue is to ensure that it is a new pregnancy, and not retained products from a m/c. For that reason, it's also worth using cheap (eBay?) HPTs and making sure that they are completely negative before TTC. I've heard so many awful stories about women who've miscarried, then 4 weeks later thought they were pg again and got a +HPT, and a scan has shown that the pregnancy has failed. These women all think they're going through a second m/c until hospital tests revealed that they'd never completed the m/c. They've had double the heartache, plus the very real possibility of infection. The first question my doctor asked was whether I had had a negative HPT after the m/c and before the BFP.
Hi Hannah,

After my m.c me and the OH just decided to take it easy and not actively try. Then again we weren't actively not trying either... as in
I decided not to take any contraception,

I love my BF dearly and just decided to let nature take its course without trying to put myself under any pressure. I guess that is why I am so surprised to have got a BFP the other week. (The downside to this is as you know I am in a flap as I'm really not sure how far along I am.)

Seems to me that lots of people on the forums have managed to get PG quite soon after a m.c. Statistically I think you should be able to get PG again within 3 - 6 months, irrespective of the m.c

well, i wasnt TTC in the first place, but after a rollercoaster week of a suprise BFP on sunday, crying and panicking, then accepting it on monday, really excited by tuesday, EPU with spotting on wednesday, a termination or "divorce" ultimatum on thursday followed by his blessing and backing on friday, then finding out i lost the baby on saturday- i was utterly devastated and it made me realise that i am ready for another baby after all. also, TTC was actually my boyf's idea! a complete U-turn after the ultimatum!

i wanted to TTC straight away, my boyf said to wait a few months but in the meantime is happy to use NFP for contraception and we mutually agree that if it fails before the scheduled TTC then thats ok.

iv just had my first natural AF and am looking forward to my second actually because then i shall know what my natural cycle length is and be more educated on TTC when we're ready to start. x x x z
we started straight away lol but i fell preggy 6 weeks after my d and c
Hi Hannah

As others have said really, don't think there's any good reason not to start TTC straight away if that's what you want. You seem to have come to terms with your loss and got your head around things so why wait if you're ready?

I was desperate to start TTC straight away both times, but unfortunately my AF took ages to return and then when they did they were a bit erratic so it took 9 months after my 1st m/c and well, I'm still waiting since my 2nd and its been 6 long months so be prepared to be patient too!! I just keep telling myself that it'll happen when my body is ready for it to happen cos there's not a lot else you can do (except spend a lot of time on PF :lol: )

Good luck for whenever you do start trying again x

I waited till I had one period and then tried straight away , and was so lucky to get pregnany again !

I think having that one period made me feel like my body was back to normal and I felt ready too xx :hug:
Thank you all so much for your helpful advice :hug:

We have decided to start again to ttc but at the moment we're just bd'ing for fun more than my desperate need to be impregnated again, which has put a smile back on my OH's face :wink:
I will start charting as that was really helpful but I'm being much more laid back about it (well for now anyway!) and what will be will be.

Kittykins, I'd never looked at it that way before but I suppose you're right, if my body feels ready then it will happen if it's not then af will show up and we keep trying.

Just hoping to make the most of being fertile at the mo!!

Good luck all :hug:
Just wanted to update after my ERPC on Monday. Everything went as well as it could have done and the bleeding is very minimal thankfully but they gave me a leaflet from the Miscarriage Association. In it, it mentions about trying again and says that doctors may recommend you wait until you have your next period before TTC again for dating purposes. It goes on to say that if you do fall pregnant before you even have your next period, there is nothing to suggest that you will miscarry again.

Despite the fact that I was told to wait 3-4 months before trying again, we are going to start again in the next week or so. I'm sure they only tell you to wait 3/4 months so that your periods can regulate again. My periods have always been regular, never ever had any problems with them. And when I had a termination when I was 17, my period was back after 4 weeks as normal so I'm hopeful it'll be the same this time - although I'm kind of hoping I don't have another period and get pregnant straight away, hopefully this time with a healthy baby xxx

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