How long until you wake them for a feed?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Cameron likes to sleep a lot! He eats really well, am exclusively breastfeeding, there's poos and dirty nappies but... Last night I fed him about 1 am and I woke up in shock at half 5 and he still hadn't woken up for a feed... He is a week old.
What's the maximum I should leave until I wake him? I know the midwife/HV say no more than 4 but surely babies know when they're hungry?
I'd like to know this as well. Drake is only 5 days old and slept from 1am till 5.20am!

With my first I used to feed him at 11pm and he woke up at 7 most mornings..such a good baby lol It never did him any harm as he was a big feeder.

I'm sure it's fine though? As long as they're getting enough in the day?
I think its upto each parent really. My MW told me no longer than 4 hours. So for a few days I was waking Emily up for feeds and she was so unhappy! I started leaving her until she wanted it and she was so much better for it and is now in a fantastic routine for feeding :)
I was also told 4 hours by the MW and stuck to it, but then again my little one had jaundice so that had to be cleared by regular feeds.
My mw told me to wake him after 6 hours until he was 9lb, then to let him sleep through.
I was told no more than three hours as Ross had urates showing in his nappy and he was jaundiced. Apparently it's a sign they are a bit dehydrated and shows as a sort of orange stain. The gp told me that urates can also happen as the kidneys kick in, so not always a good indicator. As long as he's eating well during the day and doesn't look dry in his mouth/eyes. Sorry that probably didn't help.
my sister boy wouldnt wake up all night and after a while he wouldnt keep up with a good weight so they told her she had to wake him up every 4 hours to make sure he keept up x
Thanks girls! You have been very helpful! To be honest he is such a happy baby, he hardly ever cries and even that's more of a moan. He was already 10.2lbs when he was born, hasn't really lost much weight at all, he feeds well during the day... I might let him sleep how he wants as I will have a midwife visit again on Sunday and then if they are not happy with anything I will take it from there... As everyone has said to me - babies know when they are hungry so they won't be sitting around, they will let you know.
Naturally as mums, we always worry xx
id say as long as they not going 6+ hours id let baby sleep the thought of waking a sleeping one has never appealed

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