I'm struggling a little bit about when is the right time! I really really want another baby - I would have one tomorrow, but the time doesn't feel quite right. We were going to TTC from December, so the new baby would be due end of September onwards. DD will be in yr 1 of school and DS will go to playgroup 2.5 days per week. I wonder, should I TTC in October, so it would be start of the summer holidays, but then again the baby would be at a huge disadvantage when starting school - my bday is August 28th so I know what I'm on about lol! And other times I'm thinking, should I hang on another 6 months, and the baby would be a spring baby, and DS would also be in school from September, so I would get most of the 1st year with the baby. My reason for this is I felt I missed out on so much with DS, as DD only went to playgroup for 2 half days and I had no one on one time with him. Babbling - but you get my drift! Lol!
What would you do? Am I trying to plan too much?
What would you do? Am I trying to plan too much?