how long is your partner taking off work


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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mine is taking two wks off hope this is enough to get me into routine. i am due middle of school holidays so will have older kids at home too ( 12 +9) and my toddler 2. i hope i can get a routine sorted in the first few days at least of just getting the older 3 sorted as that will make life easier

marie x
I'm really lucky that my DH is taking his 2 weeks paternity and then a week of holiday as well so 3 weeks for us :cheer: On the other hand, that could always be at least a week toooo long! :lol:
We are playing it by ear.

We own our own business so its more difficult cos he always has to keep an eye on things so he will probably still work from home or nip in for a few hours here and there in the first week or so. We are just gonna wait and see and plan it round the baby to be honest.
Mine is having two weeks off too. He hasn't been in his current job that long so can't have paternity leave so he's taking holiday.
Seans having 2 weeks off too and Grandma is having Paris for a couple of days :cheer:
lol yeah sometimes its easier when they are out the way. but u are lucky to get 3 wks. Not all places do paid parternity which stinks really so having unpaid pat leave and 1 wk hol. Least if running own business can be flexible and do some work from home and be there for you.

marie x
My DH will get a day off for the birth and thats it!!! :cry:

It's because he has just started a new job and has 4 weeks of training which he can't afford to miss. Starting monday he will be staying there as they will put him up and supply meals for free but wont pay for the petrol if he had decided to commute!

Seeing as we are broke cos he wont get paid until the end of the month we have no choice! Hoping sweep tomorrow will start me off and baby will arrive at the weekend!

On the upside my mum works for the NHS and they will let her have one day off for the birth (she's my birthing partner) then 4 days after so I wont be completely on my own and I do have a lot of family about to help out with my older 2! :cheer:
My OH is taking 2 weeks, but he wont be taking it as Paternity leave, if he takes it as Paternity leave he will only get £112 p/w and over 2 weeks this wouldnt be enough to cover bills let alone our mortage! :shock: so.....hes taking it as holiday so he can keep his full pay.
Hmmm, that's a good question. I don't know. A week or 2 I think. He works from home so he'll be there for us all the time though :D
We will have to see what happens, as hubby is in new job and really can't afford to take too much time off. However, his new employers have been very accommodating but we will just see how it goes.
sadly hubby can only take off 2 days as hes a roofer and only paid for the work he does each day he has off we loose £80, so we have to save up enough to cover that loss :(
manda xx
Hubby is taking 2 weeks paternity pay,they are paying him 90% of wage, so not loosing too much but on the plus is he's saving petrol money.
I thought paternity pay had to be at full pay... that's so out of order for those of you not able to take the 2 weeks because of money. It's disgraceful :shakehead:
DH will get full pay for his 2 weeks paternity and then he's hoping to take another 2 weeks off as holiday like he did with DD. It all depends on how busy they are at work. He can't actually book his leave until I'm in labour though as they want dates. Wish I could foresee exactly when I go into labour for them :roll:
mine is taking the two weeks paternity leave and maybe a week holiday but we are gonna see how the first week goes, i might not want him there for 3 weeks!!!! Plus he comes home for his lunch hour every day
monster munch your OH must work for a good company in OH last job he only got paid £100 a wk which is hardly anything. Your right all places should pay full paternity for first two wks. esp when baby comes we all need the income. its down to discretion of your emplyer which is wrong.

marie x
My OH is off for two weeks. One week full pay, the second no pay. He works for a massive company, I think it is pretty crap he doesn't get full pay for both weeks, although now I am realising he is on a better deal than some others. It doesn't seem fair that companies can choose arbitarily.
My OH took 2 week paternity at full pay and the second week as holiday so we didn't lose any money cos he'd have only been paid £112 for the second week.

he goes back to work on monday and he'll be in london until wednesday - I'm dreading it :cry: :cry:
Mine will probably have to take a week off as holiday. I don't think we could afford both of us to be earning £112 for 2 weeks! :(

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