How long does the pain last?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018
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I miscarried on Wednesday evening. I should have been 12+1 but based on the scan, the baby had stopped growing quite a while beforehand.

It wasn’t the most straightforward process as I managed to haemorrhage. The bleeding then went to like a period after I’d passed what the hospital referred to as ‘products’. Today it’s really quite minimal.

What I want to know is how long am I going to be in pain for? Today is Sunday and I’m still curled up on the sofa with a hot water bottle with cramps. I just want to start feeling more normal!
I think it varies for everyone. I had only period like back pain for just a day or two. It wasn’t anything super unbearable but my miscarriage was pretty straightforward and earlier on.

I’m sorry you are still in pain. Is there anything you can take to ease it? I hope it eases off soon. xx
Hi akua, so sorry to hear about your loss. I’ve had different experiences with my losses And only really had pain with my last loss. I couldn’t understand why I was still getting cramps a week after having medical management and then I realised I actually hadn’t passed everything and my body was cramping to try and get rid of it all, once it had all gone the pain went too, not sure if they checked if you’d passed everything but if not it could be that? I hope it’s over quickly for you xx

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