How long do you bleed for??


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Sadly I started to MC yesterday..never had one before and like most women never thought it would happen to me :( My periods are normally light and only last for 2-3 days so I am just wondering how a MC bleed is different and how long do you usually bleed for? Thanks xx
It can vary on so many factors hun. How fast you pass the baby, if anything is left behind and how quickly your body gets over it. I usually have 7 day Afs. This time round i have brown and light spotting for 5 days then full on AF type bleeding well heavier than normal AF a lot heavier but you catch my drift, I had that for 9 days. But I have had 4 Mc's now and each one was different.
Thanks for your reply. I was only about 3-4 weeks along so surely there isn't much to loose?? How will I know once it's all gone?? I've had a few small clots but nothing that would look like the start of a baby :( xx
It could just be large clots there may be tissue. I got told that once my HPT is a clear BFN (use a sensitive one maybe a FRER in a week) then all is ok and anything that is left after that will be flushed out with your next true AF. If you are under the care of the EPU they may wish to do a blood test it may be worh asking your GP for one to tell them what has happened. If you haven't already told them about your pregnancy you may wish to ask for the blood test to conform MC as I didn't with my 4 & 3 MC and then regretted it as I had to wait for yet another MC to get my Recurrent Miscarriage testing. If I had confirmed my early MC maybe this baby would have made it. But who knows!
My story is pretty similar to yours, I was about 5 weeks when I started to bleed. It lasted about 6 days and was really heavy at first, red and clotty then eased off. My periods are usually about 2 days and never heavy! After the first 48hrs of clotting it wasn't too bad. So sorry for your loss hun xx
So sorry for your loss.

A lot depends on how far along you were. Were you 3-4 weeks from your last period, or from conception? I had one very early loss. My 'period' was only a couple of days late. It was just like a normal period and wasnt even heavy. There was nothing to see as the baby and sac would have been too small. I've just been through a loss at 9 weeks which involved a lot more bleeding and passing tissue. My bleeding seems to be coming to an end after 3 weeks, just a little on and off spotting now.

Hi. I was 3-4 weeks from my last period and AF was due on Thursday last week so I had only confirmed the pregnancy for 3 days when I started bleeding. The bleeding hasnt been very heavy and I think it has stopped now..just like what you get at the end of your period?!? I have ordered some first response tests so will do one in a few days and see what it says..This is all very confusing and stressful :( xx
Sorry you are going through this. I found my early loss really hard emotionally. Once you get to about 5 weeks you can expect it to be like a super heavy period but for such an early loss its quite likely it wont be much different than your normal period, possibly slightly heavier. At that stage the baby and even the sac are too small to see. Mine was about the same as my normal peiod, strangely it was lighter if anything, it just had quite a lot of tiny clots in it. It only lasted about 4 days for me.

Have you taken a test since bleeding? I dont want to give you false hope but bleeding isnt always the worst so it is a good idea to double check.
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My 4&3 was a really heavy af. I came on had a gush of blood down my leg had a bath then a normal af just a bit (tmi) stringier and clottier
I did a clear blue digi yesterday morning when I started bleeding and it said 'not pregnant' and I haven't done one since. The doctor told me to wait about a week and do another test. I havent had much bleeding today and I have been very tired and keep going light headed and dizzy! Is that normal??

I'm sorry you ladies have been through or are going through the same..This is a horrible experience and can't image what it's like to go through it numerous times :( xx
I've been dizzy with all of my miscarriages.... for the 2nd an ambulance was called. but recently my heart is under investigation so I'm probably not the best judge of what's normal lol. My blood pressure has always been fine and that's what the paramedics were going on about but they never checked my heart rate back then.... hmm you got me thinking now! I would probably call your gp for an urgent telephone appointment if they think it's something not normal they will make space for you.

I would probably do a different type of hpt as cb digital aren't that sensitive x
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Well I did a first response test yesterday and it came back negative! Today my stomach is bloated and I have period type pains. Can't believe it was this time last week that I got my BFP :(
Aw, so sorry. Give yourself some time to grieve and try and talk out how you are feeling with your OH. I found bottling things up made it worse. The girls on here are great too.
First let me say that I'm terribly sorry for your loss. *Virtual hug*

My miscarriage came as a surprise. I was 8 weeks pregnant, 3 days before Christmas. I was waiting till week 12 to get my first ultrasound.

That day I had very, very mild period-like cramps that honestly, I thought was the start of a bowel movement. About an hour or so later I passed the largest clot that I had ever seen come out of me. If I had to estimate the size of it, I would say it was around 1-2 tablespoons. It was blob like and had some clear “stuff” around it. This, needless to say, freaked me out. My midwife said to wait a day and take vitamin C - 4 times w/in 24 hours, wait and see if other symptoms came on.

I had very minor spotting that night after passing the clot. That next day I experienced the light period cramps again but started getting light bleeding. By about 8 pm that night, the bleeding got heavier, and the cramps got more intense.

Since this was my first pregnancy I can only guess as to what a labor contraction would feel like, but I would label the cramps that I felt during the miscarriage to be similar to those of labor contractions. Each contraction would last for what seemed like about a minute and immediately after that I would rush to the bathroom and push out gushes of blood and clots. I’d go back to lay down on the bed for about 10 minutes then get another contraction and rush back to the bathroom. This continued for about an hour and a half to 2 hours. After that time, the cramps went away, and the bleeding was only light.

The next day I was an emotional wreck.

Off and on over that next week, I felt guilty, ashamed, depressed, and alone. As the week progressed my bleeding got lighter and lighter to the point of just spotting. One thing that I found to be unusual from symptoms that I researched online was that from the start of the actual miscarriage up till about 5 days after, I had diarrhea. Again, as the days went on the less severe it got, to the point of just loose stools and then finally normal after about a week.

Now - physically I feel fine, but emotionally I have my ups and downs.

I hope that my story helps, and again, I'm very sorry for your loss.

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