How long do other mums breastfeed their children for?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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I'm having some trouble stopping my daughter from breastfeeding.
She's just turned 2 now and I feel she's too old.
She's always been a clingy little girl and I think its more comfort than anything and its usually just a bedtime thing now so its never been a problem before really.
I've found out i'm now 8 weeks pregnant again now though and I have visions of her still being on me when the baby comes though lol.
Has anyone breastfed while pregnant? I've heard your milk changes taste and they come off naturally and dries up during the later weeks due to hormone changes. Is this right? Or should I start to worry lol
I have no advice re the extended breastfeeding as my DD is only 7 months. But I'm pg too and still bf :) I've found that she's got a bit finnicky about feeding during the day, but I don't know if that is a passing phase or to do with my pregnancy. I think near the end of the second tri the milk starts to reduce so you may find that your DD stops feeding naturally around this time.

Congrats on feeding for this long, I am aiming for at least a year but have been told by my doc that it might not be possible due to my pg. Taking each day as it comes at the moment.

Thanks for the advice.
Its nice to hear someone respond positvely about EBF as in our society a lot of people don't.
I hope you manage to breastfeed through the pregnancy as well.
Good luck hope everything goes well.
Thanks hon :hug: I'm all for EBF, the benefits for our babies are huge so why not? Everyone else can b****r off as far as I am concerned it's none of their business! And how dare they look down upon mothers who are doing the best for their children just because it's more socially acceptable for breasts to appear on page 3 than be used for what they're there for?

I used to be worried about other people's opinions of it but now I don't give a damn :lol:

Good luck with your pg too (and telling the mil ;) )

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