How long did it take for babies to gain weight ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Had our first weigh in on Monday and Flo's gone from a bit fat 10lb 4, to 9lb 10 :shock: :shock:

Health visitor didnt seem to worried, and i knew shed probably have lost a bit but surely thats too much ? Im breastfeeding on demand, but im worried shes not getting what she needs, hopefully she'll have gained for next Monday but . . ..

When did you little ones start gaining weight ??
Mine started gaining at three and a half weeks but that is really late.
So she should be back to birthweight by now really :( Dno what were doing wrong :think:
Roll on Monday !
Baillie started gaining after about 1 week. Took her about a month to get back to her birth weight though. I was under the midwives for ages!

Kim x x x

Oh yeah and when we were nearly at birth weight she dropped 4oz.
connor was a month old before he regained his birth weight.

i really wouldn't worry at the moment, as long as she's doing lots of wet nappies and seems content.

:hug: :hug:
Isla got back to her birth weight and 3 week and Morgan at just over a month. Dont worry as long as baby is pooing and weeing lots.
Galen was back and past his birth weight within 9 days iirc. 9lb 15ozs at birth and back past that at his next weigh.

I'd not worry overly tbh.
My Lo hasnt seemed to loose any weight but she wasnt weighed from birth until 11 days old so could have done I suppose,
she was 8lb 5 1/2 at 11days was 8Lb 10oz and yesterday 9Lb 2oz.

I remember DS took ages to get his weight regained, every LO is different hun just remember that and Im sure the HV will keep an eye on her :hug:
Lil miss lost a load in hospital, so they pumped her full of formula and in 2 days she had gained 0.5kg which in my opinion isn't normal. After that she got weighed at 2 weeks and was 0.1kg more than her birth weight... but she wasn't exclusively breastfeed in those two weeks... I think you are doing just fine.. ... _p_0_6.pdf

This is the WHO's weight chart to 6 months as you can see it dips in the beginning because thats normal... :D
Theo was 8lb 15oz When born. on Day5 he had only lost 3% of his birth weight (they can loose up to 10%). and he;s been gaining weight ever since.
If you are worried at all, just ask you H.V, thats what she is there for, she will soon reasure you x x x
I think Tamzin was unusual cos when we were discharged at 10 days she was 6oz over her birth weight :lol:
Jacob had passed his birth weight by the time he had his 10 day check! He is gaining fast still... Part of me is scared he has giganticism. :p All babies are different. Yours was the same weight as mine at birth, which is quite big. Maybe she just had plenty of extra reserves! How long was she at birth? Jacob was in the 50th percentile for height WITH weight (rather than the two separately) so he is just staying with his length, but if yours was at a higher percentile, that would be even more of a reason not to worry.

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