how long at night? (bf mummies)

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i wake riley up after 4hrs at night for a feed. but he happily goes 6hrs at times if i let hiim (i.e when i sleep through my alarm)

in my mind this is too long for his age. hense waking him up.

how long does your Lo's sleep for in the night? and how long would you let them go?

im just curious really
After about 4 weeks I just let Libby wake when she was hungry for a feed. She would go for about 5/6 hours & I was happy with that :D
the longest bailey has gone for was 5 hours, but now its every 2 hours stil... arghhhh
If I give Oli a feed at midnight she will sleep through until 4 and then wake again at 7.

SSS is he going through a growth spurt ?
Grace has last feed before bed at 6 pm, she then rouses when we go to bed about 10 ish and I feed her again. Then she wakes again at 1 ish, 4ish and then about 8 ish.......... but strangley at night she only ever feds for 10 minutes each time and then falls back to sleep, so it is not too badly really. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

I would leave her for longer if she slept for longer :pray: :pray: :pray:
but alas, that girlie likes her milkie
I've always just let Brody tell me when he is hungry which was every 3-4 hours through the night for the first few weeks but at about 6 weeks he started to go 6 hours!

Not at the moment he's waking every 2 hours some nights! :wall:
I'm praying it's just a growth spurt! :pray:
How long are you managing to keep him on the breast for, on each feed?

Growth spurts at that age are like that im afraid, until he's 6 weeks there is alot of this.

Your doing great :hug:
Once Ellie was over 2 weeks, I stopped waking her every 4hrs. I used to wake her after 4 hrs at 11:30, and then let her wake me for the next feed. Thankfully she stopped waking for that feed at just under 8 weeks old, which was fantastic. Good luck it sounds like you are doing great.
millie normally has her last feed about 10.30ish, but i giv her a top-up feed just b4 bed at around midnite. she'll sleep 4 or 5 hours, but after her first feed of the day she'll be up for more every hour or two until i get up at 8 or 9.

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