How long after miscarriage to get pregnant (sorry if wrong place)


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Soooo usual at spotting has arrived and feeling a bit disheartened! Took 2 years for my first and then last sept I fell the first month of seeing what happens. Unfortunately it ended in mc in November and I started again in jan. 9 cycles later and nothing and I just can't see it happening again :( I'm on the verge of calling it a day.

I know I struggled first time but I fell so quickly last year so why nothing? Am I too far past my last pregnancy and I'm back to square one again?

I'm sorry if it's the wrong place but just feeling gutted that I had that mc and now nothing :(
Sorry about the miscarriage , can I remember you from LTTTC ?

I didn't want to read and run ... Hopefully it wont be two years this time , but never give up hope xxx
Hi hun, sorry to hear what you are going through at the moment. I fortunately fell pregnant fairly quickly after my miscarriages but wanted to message to say I hope things do work out for you. I used a CBFM after my mc as I was keen to fall pregnant again quickly and I think that's what helped xx
So sorry to hear about your loss :( There seem to be quite a few ladies on here who conceive fairly quickly after a loss, others it may take a bit more time. It took me around 9 cycles to conceive again after my fiirst mc, unfortunately that ended in a loss and I've only really started trying again last couple of months after a loss in March so we will see what happens I guess.
Dont give up though!! WIsh you all the best xx
Hey birdo yes was in lttc and looking like I belong in secondary infertility now :(

Thanks jai and stace - I'm sorry for your losses too :( I guess I'm 37 now so it may take longer anyway (but 2 years was long enough) so fingers crossed it will happen for me. I just think my last pregnancy was so long ago I'm back to my infertile self I was before. Will plod along for a couple more cycles. I hope you get your rainbow soon stace xxx

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