How is your baby lying?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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My babies been head down for about a month at least now.

Today they tiold me she is oblique. anyone else had this? seems nothing to worry about from google but id never heard of it before.

hows everyone elses chilling in their wombs?
My Mr is breech, head under my ribs and body along my right side and legs up my left side lol. I thought he was trying to move but now i actually think hes comfy here and iv got 6weeks for him to turn x
Hi there

I am 37 weeks now, my baby has always been head down from about 28 weeks.

At 33 weeks they said engaged and then at 36 weeks they said 2/5 engaged so just waiting to see next week whats going on :)

from what i know, some babies engage early and others are in all sorts of positions and engage during labour, aparently both are totally normal and the baby can be in any position but still turn into the right one during labour and allow a natural delivery.

Hope thats helps!

Also, my midwife said that most first time mums engage from about 36 weeks onwards....

R xx
At my last few appointment my little girly has been head down, lying with her back on my left side and feet firmly pushing out my right lol.

Ive been moving house the last few days though,and it feels like she's moved positions, but I cant work out which position shes in now lol! I guess Ill have to wait till next week to find out.

Just get bouncing on your ball and baby should sit in a nice position. Im sure its nothing to worry about :)

Iv heard that babys can turn during labour but tbh if babys breech they will just put you in for a csection before you go into labour surely. Aslong as babies head down then she knows what shes got to do and she will probably engage soon :) x
Bubs is right occiput anterior (head down, back to my right) just now and 1/5th engaged. Had been left occiput anterior right up til now.
Megs - did the midwife say the same to you about engagement i.e. that it doesn't correlate to early delivery? I am due 2 days after you and am 2/5 engaged??
midwife checked today and said that LO is head down and in a perfect position :love: what a clever little boy Ive got ;)

Never heard of oblique, what does that mean?
lovely :).

well oblique from what i can tell (and in my case deffo) is head down, and body curved across one side of me.
Ruthie she never said anything about delivery, just asked if I had been feeling more pressure and that it was a good sign that baby was getting ready. And back to the right isn't as ideal as back to the left as babies tend to turn clockwise esp during labour so if baby is back to the right there is more chance of being posterior (back to back) at some point. Best to try and get baby back over to the left.
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I have absolutely no idea how baby is lying - I do feel strong movements higher up so I'm hoping they're legs, in which case baby is probably lying the right way? When I had a scan a few weeks ago they wrote 'cephalic presentation' which as far as I can tell (from google that is!) is just right!
Ruthie she never said anything about delivery, just asked if I had been feeling more pressure and that it was a good sign that baby was getting ready. And back to the right isn't as ideal as back to the left as babies tend to turn clockwise esp during labour so if baby is back to the right there is more chance of being posterior (back to back) at some point. Best to try and get baby back over to the left.

Oh didnt know that... how do i get him over to the left? prod him a bit? or is there some way i can lie or something? xx
I just searched and found that transverse and oblique are the same thing, don't think it matters too much until you reach 36 weeks :)
hope this helps hun :)
Big bump they advise positions for optimal fetal positioning such as lying on your left hand side, leaning forward like sitting on a dinning chair leaning over the back of it, kneeling down and leaning forward onto a gym ball, beanbag or pillows. Anything to help baby to 'swing' back round to the left. I'm doing all that but not overly worried if bubs stays on my right, could be in much more difficult positions!
I have no idea about mine, it seems to still change all the time - I dont see the MW or consultant for another week or so either. I think there still loads of time tho? :)
Our baby is back to back - naughty baby! Hoping he/she will turn before B-Day! x

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