How is this meant to help me?

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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Basically my ex (emilys dad) came round today to see her and i stupidly told him i have PND, first he was like 'why should you have that?' and it really offended me. Anyway ive just got the following text message off him and now i feel like crap and really want to cry but dont at the same time.

'You know i still love you so very much inside. and it upsets me deeply to hear that your depressed and going to live in a hostel. I think you're depressed. Ive had half a bottle of vodka every night and a 20 bag (of cannabis, its a lot) I feel like ive lost everything i care about. I feel like i just dont want to wake up ever again. Im so sad we are not together'

I dont love him anymore, i feel nothing towards him but hes hurting me in so many other ways.

What can i do??? I dont want to see him anymore but cant stop him seeing emily (when it suits him) but not sure if im strong enough to go through court.
I feel like crap!!!
:hug: Sorry you are feeling so horrible right now. :hug:

Is there anyone who could help out by acting as a go between? Maybe a close relative of yours or your ex where you might be able to let him see the baby without you necessarily being there?

If you aren't comfortable seeing him and have doubts about his ability to look after your daughter on his own you mustn't let it happen. Go to the CAB and see if you can get some free legal advice on what you can do.

There are ways around it. Don't let his feelings influence yours. If you don't want to be with him any more maybe you need to tell him that.

oh hun im sorry your feeling like this its hard but you have to let him know where he stands once and for all. I understand he needs to see emily but they should be on your terms only, not when it suits him.

He is making you feel bad for being depressed and i suffer with depression and sometimes feels like its a viscious circle, but you need to focus on yourself and not what he thinks.

I dont know if any of this helps at all but im here if you need to chat anytime just PM me ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh sweetie so sorry ur feeling like this
wot an ass trying to make u feel worse :twisted:
as to regards to ur ex maybe u should say u can come round for 2 hours every friday etc and wen he misses it jot it all down etc so if it does go to court u can say well i offered him this and he sed no
and also keep that text

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