how is everyone?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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hello i thought id post a thread to see how everyone is feeling?

i am still being sick not every day but some days and its normally just the once or twice, i also find i have a lot of spit lol still tired and sometimes have a head ache.
By now on my last two boys id wud of stop being sick and eating anything and everything but i can only eat what i fancy and its not a lot at the mo :(

I too am still tired and suffering from headaches, trying to drink more to help.
I have lost my appetite so have started feeling sick again.........
Digestive system seems thoroughly bunged up too.
Was feeling like wonder woman by now when expecting my daughters.
Quite fed up really. x
I really tired too! I have spent the last 5 days with a headache! I'm really bored too, as I'm stuck in the house! I'm not sick anymore but I can't eat large amounts as I feel full really quickly! I'm still really emotional. When I was pregnant with my son I had no morning sickness and was full of energy. This time it's completely different! Maybe I'm expecting a girl :). On the plus side I'm feeling the baby!!
I am still very tired (simple things like shopping leave me exhausted), getting headaches and extremely emotional! Apart from that I'm doing well, thanks for asking! :)
Oh glad its not just me, I was feeling great Mon & Tues and thought wow this is it finally no more sickness, then spent all day in bed yesterday throwing up every half hour and not keeping a single thing down. It really got me down I cried all day, feel rubbish today too as so dehydrated and tired and don't fancy any food. I thought tri2 was supposed to be the best time lol!!!
throwing up every half hour? thats sounds like a bug or food poisoning? i duno cud be wrong hope ur ok now tho :)
I've had it like this on and off for the last 9 weeks, most days its only 2 - 3 times a day but every couple of weeks I get it bad like yesterday, at about 7 weeks I was like it everyday for 2 weeks and ended up in hospital, they said I have hyperemisis, I was just hoping as it had been calming down significantly over the last week and even had my first 2 normal days that I was over the worst, but apparantly not!!!
Yeah bunnykins that sounds like a bug, may want to get it checked out, i had an awful bug and ended up fainting because of dehydration, had to get sachets to drink with water so i was getting nutrients back into my body. Wouldn't have been worried if i wasn't pregnant! but had to think of babs :).

For me, i'm feeling very emotional, people are totally rubbing me up the wrong way at work and its getting me angry :-( so angry to the point where i don't know if i want to shout or cry. And its not just hormones, but thats not helping obv! Just can't wait for tomorrow to go baby shopping with my mum :). And i have been feeling the little one kicking alot more every day, and i can feel her moving :) it cheers me up alot!! She was having a proper wee dance on the top of my bump yesterday :)xx
Aw bunnykins thats not too good!! Is there anything they can do? Or do you just have to bare through it, lots of bed rest! When i ended up in hospital they didnt say there wasn't much they could do, it was just a bug i had, so i had to put up with it til it was out my system. Hope you get better soon! xx
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Aw! You all still sound like you're suffering! Apart from ScottishLassie :)

Personally.... I'm still getting the odd day or 2 of nausea but no actual sickness thankfully... I'm VERY tired all the time even though I generally sleep like a log... At least 10 hours every night!! I've been getting the "baby blues" though, not helped by my history of depression. :(

On a plus side! Feeling baby move is AMAZING!! I can't get over how much he/she wiggles about! Managed to knock my laptop over with a kick the other morning he he :D xx
Rang midwife today and she said just to bear through it and try and get as much fluids in as possible, if it keeps up then I have to go get my urine checked for keytones, but she's not too worried about it at the mo, I'm on anti sickness drugs and have been since week 6 so there isn't much more they can do :(
Can't stop crying today, can't go out for my dads birthday meal tonight because of how I feel and it just set off the hysterics, which means now I have to drink even more fluids!!! All those years of being desperate to be pregnant I foolishly imagined it would be easy and enjoyable lol!! Can't wait to feel a kick or 2 as that will make it worth it!!!
do u ever get the feeling the midwifes cannot be botherd with us when u talk to them on the phone u get the feeling they feel like saying oh go away you silly girl u just pregnant stop moaning lol and then they go of in their office and say oh such and such phoned or come in today with this this and this big babys god knows how they gonna deal with labour lol i just have that feeling when i phone my midwife x
I can't stop peeing or eating - often within minutes of each other.

Still sometimes waking up wide awake at 4am, like this morning and had another nightmare where I couldn't wake up which was odd...

Other than that, feeling quite well, little one is kicking which is lovely x
Lol @abbiecourt that is exactly how I feel after speaking to my midwife, like your overreacting and should just get on with it!!! I do sometimes wonder just what their job is!!!?
I just feel dead lazy all the time and my knees are really sore when I stand up :-( Does anyone think their bump changes size sometimes? Mine looked quite big and round on Sat but this morning my stomach was quite flat, it's making me worry abit or maybe I was just really bloated on Sat? xx
i look different every day but not a big difference, i never feel my baby really in the day because he/she is only tiny but when i sit down at night he moves round and i can feel him then so i know he still their and ok x
I'm not feeling sick at all just so so tired. I go to bed at 10.30 max and still wake up shattered.
Feeling quite emotional too which is hard as no one at work knows yet.
However, am counting my blessings as what I'm feeling is nothing like the sickness lots of you have.
Hope it eases up for you soon, xx

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