how is everyone


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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:wave: hi everyone not been on much in last few days been feeling a little grotty and tired :(
still struggling with injections but am doing them everyday my poor belly is so bruised and its getting so hard everyday just to find a place to inject :( but i know its got to be done and if it keeps this baby alive then il do anything
ive not put on any weight yet although my belly has started to change shape already i assume this is because its not long since i had a baby
have had a nice peaceful week this week as midwife is away im sure it will change when she is back still waiting to hear off hospital midwife faxed them a week ago asking for urgent appointment with consultant as il have consultant led care this time
so all ok here very tired some sickness but not too bad bleeding nose and gums other than that all ok xxx

welcome to all those with new bfps :wave: xxx

hows everyone else feeling? xxxxxxxx
hi Rach, I am feeling ghastly! sicky feeling all the time, also my ear drum burst so deaf in one ear at the moment.

Ear ache is the worst pain - I was rolling around crying in agony and dh had to come home from work!

your injections sound terrible, you poor thing xxx
Sorry to hear you're struggling with the injections hon :( :hug: Hope you're keeping well apart from that :hug:

Missac that sounds painful! I've only ever had 1 ear infection which resulted in a burst eardrum when I was on holiday, spent a couple days in bed and had a 8 hour flight home, wasn't nice :( You have my sympathies hon :hug:

I'm keeping ok, feel tired but the sickness is going away. I've lost weight (about 4lb) so far which is different from Ella as I put on with her straight away. Think it's because it's hard to eat and look after her. Some days it's a struggle to remember to take my folic :oops: MW summed it up when she said it's hard to look after yourself and a LO. Nearly out of the first tri though (ok 3 more weeks but seeing as I found out when I was about 3 weeks pg that's quite far along lol).

Take care everyone :hug:
Hi Kina, how long did it take to get your hearing back? I have had it since tuesday, I think all the gunk is out (sorry TMI) but I can't hear anything out of it! Was singing along to how do you solve a problem like maria and x factor and quite frankly I sound bloody awful, I now hear what DH hears!

I want to sound good in my own head again! :rotfl:
sounds hard Rach but you're sticking at it really well, And it will all be worth it in the end :) .

Hope you start to feel better in a few weeks . Take care huni

cas xxxx
Hi Rach,

sorry to hear the injections are a struggle, and giving you with a bruised tummy :hug:

I'm doing ok atm, sickness has now gone (woohoo! :cheer: ) touch wood! Very tired though, keep waking up at 6.30 every am, so shattered by 7pm :sleep:

Hope you feeling less grotty now hun :hug:
missac said:
Hi Kina, how long did it take to get your hearing back? I have had it since tuesday, I think all the gunk is out (sorry TMI) but I can't hear anything out of it! Was singing along to how do you solve a problem like maria and x factor and quite frankly I sound bloody awful, I now hear what DH hears!

I want to sound good in my own head again! :rotfl:

Lol I can't remember hon as I was 15, just remembering it bloody hurting and I had to sit next to my 70 year old great gran on the flight back :wall:
an aeroplane ride is my idea of hell at the moment!!!
:hug: for everyone xxxx
missac hope your ear is better hun sounds very painful :( xxxxx
thanks Rach still deaf, back to work tomorrow :( hope the kids behave!!!!!
Hi everyone, have to say apart from extreme tiredness and a little diziness and aching ankles, thighs, legs and back, pins and needles...I think all is well.... sickness seems to have last! :cheer:

I am huge though, absolutely huge! my nan looked today and stated that she thinks there's 2 in there...made me feel great, everyone keeps saying that I'm growing like I did when I had twinnies...can't wait for scan next Monday to put my mind at rest...

Rach, sorry to hear you're not feeling great with the injections..I think you're very brave, Missac..poor you, earache is awful! :hug: , Kina, hope you feel better too and everyone else who is in the same situation!

:hug: Rach, can' imagine havign to inject everyday :(

I'm okie, just very tired. Hips are started to twinge and hoping the hormones are not causing SPD again else I'll cry. It started at about 11 weeks last time, but this time it's started hurting already. Stupid hormones

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