How is everyone?

Hi bev should you be doing sleep ins? I only ask as we stop staff doing them while pregnant as the purpose of them is to help on an emergency e.g if there is a fire get people out of the building, if there is people moving people in your service how would you do this? Also 24 hr shifts are too long for a pregnant person

I'd get your risk assessment reviewed Hun!!!

I feel fine :) xxx
thats pretty much my plan since im supposed to be on tomorrow at 4 til 2pm on sunday and then 8.30am til 5pm on monday, dont see why i should tire myself out for them. not that they will care either way, im the only one that dosent call in sick for every lil thing

I went on the sick with my 2nd cos of my step mother then went on mat leave from 29 wks it didn't bother me cos I wasn't going back, needless to say I'm still not her fav person but never mind, but deffo get risk assessment done xxxx
lol im told thay have done one but i havent seen it, manager goes on leave for a week yesterday so isnt in now and we have said we will reduce my hours. well she will discuss reducing my hours with her manager, i just dont care anymore. called in sick today telling them truthfully im exhausted and i cant stop being sick (im not repeatedly chucking up, just cant stop it happening and it seems to be an everyday thing now.) i deffo cant stop retching and she said to call in if im not 'fit' for work.
Hi bev should you be doing sleep ins? I only ask as we stop staff doing them while pregnant as the purpose of them is to help on an emergency e.g if there is a fire get people out of the building, if there is people moving people in your service how would you do this? Also 24 hr shifts are too long for a pregnant person

I'd get your risk assessment reviewed Hun!!!

I feel fine :) xxx

there are no manual handling jobs or moving ppl in my service, both the guys i work with can move themselves tho the guy grabs a lot and is prefectly happy to grab or poke my boobs and i have to give him a bit of a nudge or hand to get up or go upstairs but nothing actually lifting or pushing a person. showering the guy is hard tho cos its such a small room it gets hot and stuffy even with the window open and i feel a bit faint if im too hot
Yes defo take a look at that risk assesment, surley she would have had to do it infornt of you? I know my boss did. Take it easy today then hun xx
nah they said they would do one, and then she said she had done it, never seen it. apparently shes also risk assessed me going swimming with the guy we support, wich is funny cos he cant swim and just floats around and grabs onto you. if he get scared he will grab and pinch anf kick out, dangerous in a pool with a pg belly.
I've been feeling sick this week and just generally grotty really. I am suffering with headaches and I have a permanent cold/congested head which i just know I will have for the next 7 months.

I had my midwife appointment and it was a bit disappointing too. she basically told me not to have an early scan as it will only reassure me for a day and then I;ll be worried again.
In a way Torinp shes right, i had an early scan, although im glad iv seen the heartbeat i still worry, i would like a scan everyweek but know its not going to happen. Its the most difficult wait xx
I know she has a point charlie, I had worked myself up to getting a scan this weekend and now I haven't bothered to book it so I'm a bit disappointed. She is arranging my scan for when I am 10-11 weeks because I am on holiday so I guess I don't have too much longer to wait
Somebody is teaching me a lesson... After feeling smug that the puking had stopped yesterday it is now back and even worse!!! Feel like the biggest bag of crap ever this morning!! Make it stop!!!!!!!
Hi ladies, I've been quite well waves of nausea and backache. However all I seem to do is worry about the worse, I never was like this with my previous pregnancies.
It seems like everyone has had/got sicknedd. I havnt had any, only when i am hungry i feel alittle sick. know i should be gratefull but at least when your being sick it is showing everything is normal. argggggg xx
lol this morning i am mostly throwing up bile. that is all
feeling sick this morning too :-( sorry to hear you have been throwing up bev xxx
lol ah i actually count myself lucky as i got this far without being majorly sick or even miserable feeling, besides i didnt wanna go to work anyway lol, this just means i have a genuine reason not to
I have had some nausea but only one bout of sickness for a couple of hours a few weeks ago. Hoping that means a girl this time as I threw up alot with my son. My thing at the moment is I feel really thirsty like nothing will quench my thirst and I feel quite flu like. Headachy, my joints are aching and I am sooooo tired. Having the wierdest dreams when I do sleep. And my boobs- sooooooo painful. Can't handle a bra most days.
Today is the first i've not thrown up in a week, yipee!!!!! although i have the thirst thing aswell, drinking loads of water and really sleepy, apart from that in a good wee mood today. x
Hi everyone.
I'm new on here and expecting my first baby, now 8 weeks. Its so nice to read everyones symptoms and realise I'm not the only one who feels sick all day, every day! I usually eat reasonably healthy food but at the moment all I want to eat is pasta, potatoes and bread, the thought of fruit turns my stomach!
My boobs are really tender and I get hot flushes throughout the day, is that normal?
Can anyone tell me how you get the pictures on your profile of baby size etc, they are so cute!
if you click on the ticker it will take you to the site, after u have done 10 posts u get acess to putting in a signature under the user cp.
i get hot flushes all the time, actually said to my manager the other day about them then touched her to prove my point, she was a bit shocked to say the least lol, i could cook an egg in my hands sometimes and keep throwing the covers off at night
Thanks Bev, I'll keep posting then!
I get them at night too, I wake up sweating and throw the covers off then get cold again!! It must drive my husband mad!

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