How is everybody


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Just wondering how everyone is doing.

Haven't been on here so much recently as have had a lot going on in the run up to Christmas; also tend to feel very ill and tired at night so I've been going to bed dead early!!

Am not far off 11 weeks now and apart from having treatment for very persistent thrush, am doing fine, and the nausea is getting a little better, at least during the day. Have my first scan on 2nd Jan, by which time I'll be 13 weeks I think.

I won't be around much, if at all from the beginning of next week until after New Year but would like to wish everyone all the best over Christmas. :hug: And hope to see some more Positive preg tests!!!
i'm one of the lucky ones at a guess i haven't really had any symptoms apart from thrush when i first found out i was pregnant ( kinda scared though not having any signs ) i just want to have morning sickness or something.
Was talking with OH last night and he says because of the MC i'm just being paranoid i was looking into a early scan and all the clinics on the net till 2am, but we have decided not to do it as its to near xmas and for the sake of Harrison if it is bad news.

Should have gone to college today but instead i have stayed in bed till 1pm with a martina cole, i love the excuse to be able to slob all day
Im starting to feel abit better this past week, the nausea has calmed down a bit. Still very tired and got sore boobs though :wall:

Keep listening to baby's heartbeat everyday with my doppler :D and i've got my scan on monday :cheer: Can't wait for that :D

:wave: Must be lovely to be getting so close to the 12 week stage!

I'm very tired but no nausea yet.....have an early scan booked for tomorrow morning and I'm v nervous but can't wait at the same time. Had my HCG levels checked this week and they're very high so fingers crossed all should be well xx
Really tired but no nausea yet... glad to hear some other ladies don't have it either, makes me feel more normal :)

I still get mild to moderate AF-type cramps once or twice a day and this past week I have eaten tons... oh and I want to sleep all the time... other than that, I'm mostly normal!
Tired here, trying to stop eating and peeing so much! The latter isn't really working, though!

I'm waiting for the date of my first (dating) scan and just about going bonkers with impatience in the process! :rotfl:
Hi ladies :wave: im feeling VERY tried and as sick as a dog im afraid. I never felt sick at all with my 1st but know every pregnancy is different!
What can i take for sickness? I really hope this fades..ive gone of some foods including chinese food. aRRRGH MY FAV! :?

Rachel..when did you 1st hear the heart beat? I have a doppler from last time and its quite a ggod one. Too early yet though.

Wishing everyone a happy christmas! :D
I 1st heard it at 8 weeks. Can hear it alot clearer now im 10 weeks though :)
ohh thats good im almost 7 weeks so will try it out in a couple of weeks. thanks. :D
Hi Girls :wave:

Starting to feel better this week as well :) thank christ!!! still not got much appetite though, and this thrush just wont go away, but i suppose i got to give it a chance - it flared back up again because of the antibiotics for a urine infection, but the course of tabs is done now.

Got my scan 2 weeks today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: and my doppler arrived, but not had any success yet...should of bought gel to go with it :roll: :roll: :roll:

Hope everyone is fine, and looking forward to Xmas :hug: :hug: :hug:
Skimpy - Lube works just as well as the proper gel :lol: It's what I was using untill I got some proper stuff :)
Feeling really rough the last week, knew it would kick in at some point but have only been sick once! I'm so tired this time though but that's probably because I am working and have a toddler to run around after. I've been really snappy as well which is horrible! Hope all you girls are getting on well!
Hi all!! :wave:

I'm feeling great at the moment, nausea seems to be wearing off and managing to eat a bit more!
Im feeling less tired and just have much more energy!!
Im starting to get quite excited about christmas too as my daughter is beginning to understand what its all about!!
Got my scan on the 27th, think thats the same day as you skimpy??!!
Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Hi bhe, yup, we getting scans on the same day :D been excited about it, but now im a little scared :|

Cant wait til i can eat a meal and not feel too full!!! can barely eat a thing and i feel stuffed, but i think it is constipation (tmi :oops: )

Hope your scan goes well girl - will have everything crossed for you :wink:
You too skimpy!! :D I also get a twinge of nerves when I think about it, I think by the time the 27th comes my appetite will be gone again!

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