How high is your bump?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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I'm just over 20wks and normally kicks are very low but felt one that was over the top of my tummy button, if your at a similar stage could you tell me how high up your feeling kicks, i still get the feeling this is a big 'un (ouch).
I get kicks all over really, I think he is quite high sometimes thoug, yesterday I thought he was under my ribs but I am not sure whether this is too high! Quite a few at the tummy button area though!
I'm getting mine all over now, from pubic bone to my rib cage!
Rib cage, ouch, i remember those and not looking forward to them :cry:

Luckily most of mine are down low :pray:

i'll look towards wk 25 then :D
just in the last week his movements have really improved and are hard and very frequent.

This is my favourite week so far as I've noticed I've not been as tired either and I feel quite good :D
I still have one good day, one tired day, so been cleaning all today, i'll be a couch potatoe tomorrow :sleep:
I'm not quite as far along as you but on saturday i felt one just above my belly button, when i asked the midwife if it was to early to feel it that high up she said no.
I guess it partly depends how high up your belly button is!

I just read the info for 19 weeks on babycentre and that says your uterus could be as high as your belly button by this point.

So it must be possible!
most of mine are low but some higher..I can feel where the baby is and he mostly likes to get as low as he can so I am the most
I also get them here there and everywhere!! Most feel quite low, but also get them to the sides of my belly button area. But my bumop is quite high! :)

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