How heavy can you blood loss be and still be normal?


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Aug 1, 2014
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Sorry if this contains TMI, and for the length of it.....

After my scan 10 days ago confirmed a mmc at 5-6 weeks (when I should have been 10-12 weeks), I started bleeding last Monday. By Tuesday evening I was soaking one sanitary pad every 30 mins or so, and it was coming through my clothes, so I went to A&E in the evening and ended up being admitted for 3 days, and came home on Thursday evening. I had a scan on weds afternoon and the Consultant said most of the "products" had passed, so only a small amount left, so as I was no longer in severe pain I could go home and wait it out. He refused pain killers as he said it should be more like a heavy period from now on.

I got home Thursday evening and was a heavy period as expected. But by Friday late afternoon the pain was increasing quickly and I was once again soaking a pad every 30 mins, so I went to my GP urgently who gave me Tramadol and said to take as required, but it should all be over soon.

Things settled through Saturday daytime, so I was hopeful they were right, and that it was easing, but around 7pm last night I was once again in agony and soaking a pad every 20-30 mins. I took a maximum dose of Tramadol, which eased the pain after about an hour, but the bleeding continued really heavily from 11:30pm until 6:30am today. Thankfully my husband was with me, and supported me (unlike on Tuesday when he was away with work and I was home alone with the kids when I went to A&E)

My question is - at what point is this not normal, and something else could be wrong? They said in weds scan that I had another clot of 3-4cm to pass, but I have passed at least 3 clots that size and many smaller ones since then?...... I don't want to be a paranoid woman going back into A&E but equally I don't want to have something else wrong, that no one has picked up?

What do I do if it all kicks off again this evening? Is this normal? Over the past 6-7 days since I started bleeding, I had already lost 7lbs...... I am eating normally to keep my strength up, but don't really fancy food :(

Any help appreciated xx
I was told at my hospital after my D&C that if I start bleeding and I am soaking a pad within 1 hour to contact my local Gynae ward ASAP and they would advise me what to do as that amount of bood is not normal. Maybe try phoning your Gynae ward for advice you shouldn't still be bleeding this much. Better to be safe than sorry I say

Michelle x
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Thanks Balthazar, I will ring if it happens again this evening. I'm just so tired after another evening/night of bleeding and pain that I can't think straight :-/ I don't want to go to A&E and be accused of wasting their time :(

Diane xx
Don't mean to scare you but they told me I had passed all the tissue in my mmc only for the actual sac (complete with baby) to pass naturally 4 months later. I'm very lucky it didn't leave me very poorly. If you aren't happy get a second opinion and push for D&C if that's what you want.

I know it's very very rare (in fact not possible according to one doctor, despite the fact it actually did happen!) but I would hate to think of something being missed. Better safe than sorry.

I was told if you are soaking more than one pad an hour to get immediate help xx
Thanks rhondalou, I will bear that in mind. I am just hoping there is no more bleeding/cramping tonight...... Sorry to hear of your previous loss xx
I really don't want to scare you but at the same time I know these things can happen. For me it was hard we were just coming to terms with the loss and had been ttc. It's strange because I had seemingly normal periods spot on 28 days but I had a sharp pain and I kept telling the doctors something isn't right. But they just kept smiling sympathetically there there love you are young you'll have another. Go with your instinct chic if you aren't happy then go to someone else and keep going until you are happy. I'm 14 weeks now so I'm very lucky there was no lasting damage.

I'm sorry for your loss it's never easy but with time it gets slightly more bearable xx
Thanks, happy and healthy 9 months to you rhondalou xx
Thanks Diane with you all the best for the future Hun xx
sorry for your loss, i hope the bleeding has settled for you now. If not id ask for an erpc all that blood loss isnt good for you. When i had mine i bled so heavily i freaked out and phoned an ambulance, i had to have an emergency erpc as the sac was stuck, i lost alot and needed a transfusion. Make sure you have your iron levels checked out x
Im sorry for your loss hun. To be honest it doesn't sound right. If you are still bleeding go back. I won't scare you with my own experience but if your worried get checked.
Thanks ladies, I called the hospital today and they saw me in the emergency gynae clinic this afternoon. All looks ok, and scan showed all "products" had passed, and reassured me that the bleeding was just caused by the lining of my uterus still being too thick, so that it what will be next to come out, but that it should be more like a heavy period rather than the heavy loss I've been experiencing over the past week. Iron and bloods all checked and iron a bit low, so I'm going to try and improve that with diet, as I don't tolerate iron supplements well. I am just so tired and want to feel more like "me" again :(

Thanks for all your support xx
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