how food waste concious are we?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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I've been thinking about this a lot lately. there are 6 of us in the house and i hate wasting food - after dinner, anything thats not been eaten we put in a tupperware box and usually its eaten for supper . with the cost of food shopping so high atm how do you all feel about it??
I hate waisted food. Sometimes it seems unavoidable though. Like today for instance. I had to chuck out an unopened pack of chicken breasts that I had planned to cook 3 days ago. But with a sick baba and no sleep food and cooking were the last things on my mind - and then I found the chicken in the fridge trying to evolve and thought better of trying to cook it! Sorry, but it went in the bin :( It smelled REALLY bad!
:? the last few weeks I have been much better- the cost of food has meant I have only bought what I NEEDED nothing extra x
were shit.

we buy stuff and it goes OOD so OH throws it away (especially sandwhich meats etc. I try to put lots on the freezer so it doesnt get waisted but then I cook it, OH pisses me off cause he eats half then is full, so I bin it, then2 hours later her is eating packets of crisps :evil: :evil:

We could sell manure the amount of food we bin
Pretty good really. I used to be a chef so I was always taught not to waste anything! Any left over food I either make more meals out of it ie soup, OH's lunch etc or the dog gets it for dinner! :lol:
I freeze everything really either that or tinned stuff. My fridge is near empty except for some left over hog roast from sisters wedding that mum gave us and a HUGE lump of cheese with thanks to my dad! We hardly chuck away anything If theres something that needs eating we will eat it lol! Mine and my OHs parents were very conscious about throwing away food not because of the environment or anything but because they couldn't afford to throw stuff away. Its a regular thing seeing dad heating up something we had for tea last night for breakfast hehe even things like cottage pie or curry and stuff! Cutting mold off cheese to make sandwiches and eating up OOD yogurts for pudding obviously not too far out of date but a couple days and we would get fed it! Now my parents dont really need to worry because my brothers still live at home and eat LOADS so nothing ever gets chance to be left over!
I never throw away food, I only buy what I need, nothing more.
we never really waste any food and any scraps that we can't eat go to a very excited dog!
We generally just throw out the last few slices of bread. We don't eat that much bread in our house so the last few bits go mouldy. Any food i leave on my plate OH will generally always finish off, whether he's full or not! He will not waste food!
Ha ha, Lisa - My OH is the same, practically licks my plate clean!! :doh:

I waste more than I would like - and I hate waste!! But sometimes I take something out to defrost and something happends then it dont get cooked etc.

Usually its bread, eggs, sausage rolls, yogorts etc that get wasted!!

... I might sound really odd here, but we live near loads and loads of fields and woods etc, meaning theres lots of wildlife about... any food that is not eaten, or is being chucked out, gets put on a plate and put in the garden... So far iv seen headgehogs and foxes, some REALLY skinny baby foxes a while ago too!! So really, nothing gets 'wasted' but id rather me eat it than vermin!!
HertsMummy said:
Ha ha, Lisa - My OH is the same, practically licks my plate clean!! :doh:

He couldn't wait for pregnancy to be over as he never got any leftovers! Lol I generally finished before him and i moved in on his plate! Lol.
Any leftover roast i do goes in the fridge and the dogs get it for their tea.
In all honesty, we never waste food. Any leftovers are usually saved for next day's lunch or Willow's tea. Any old bread, rice etc goes to the poultry. Peelings,apple cores etc go in the compost and any leftover meat goes to the dog!
we never waste food.i always write a list before shopping and buy exactly what i need for the prices are so high i cant afford not to do it this way.any bread that gets left over goes out for the birdies,any raw veg leftover or veg peelings go to the guinea pigs and anything else goes into the dogs ,theyre labradors and canine dustbins :D if stuff is freezeable then i may freeze it if its worth it.

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