How Embarrassing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2006
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Went to see the midwife this morning and took beth with me in her buggy. The midwife is on the 1st floor so went up in the lift, saw the midwife came out and the lift was out of order after the caretaker had got stuck in it :lol: Anyway the midwife told me there was no way that she was going to let me go down the stairs especially with Beth in the buggy because of my SPD. The lift engineer was on his way and had said that he was only going to be 20 minutes so she told me to sit down and wait for a bit. Half hour later the engineer still hadnt turned up so she rang him and he said he was going to be 2-3 hours :evil:
Next thing i know she has called the fire brigade out to come and get me downstairs :shock:
The fire brigade turned up but decided the evac chair they had in the building wasnt safe enough for me to go in so they then called an ambulance so they could use the stretcher :shock: to get me down.
The ambulance turned up with their stretcher and then the fireman had to carry me down the stairs on the stretcher :oops:
I dont think i have ever been so embarrassed in the whole of my life :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:shock: :shock: Poor you!!

You'll laugh about it though! When the :oops: has worn off!
omg, thats a beamer. Im sure you will laugh about it though soon.

What were the firemen like?
lauramum01 said:
What were the firemen like?

they werent too bad actually ;) :lol:

i can laugh about it now thanks to my OH when i told him he was in stitches :rotfl: and he laughed so much he made me laugh i think i must have been redder than a beetroot at the time though :oops: :rotfl:

Did the firemen not think it was a bit weird :? But you lucky cow :rotfl:
aww babes! bless you!
couldnt they have got someone to carry the buggy downstairs for you or something??

ah well nice firemen eh ;) woo!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: you know what? i thought things like that only happened to me..loks like your a mad situation magnet like me bubble_dreamer!!
nah funnily enough my midwifes DH is a fireman :lol: it was him that she rang and he thought he would come along with the rest of them to help :rotfl:
One flight of stairs?

I bet your face is still beaming!! :lol:

I call that attention seeking!! lol :lol: :lol:

Only kidding hun but it is funny!! lol :rotfl:
nah it was actually 3 flights of stairs worst thing about it they kept shaking me on the way down to try n encourage LO to get out of me :rotfl: all i kept saying was dont you bloody drop me :rotfl:

nah fran its not just you it definatly happens to me aswell this is definatly something im not going to forget in a hurry :rotfl:
need another shower now... wet myself laughing! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: that has to be the best yet!!!!

embarrasing things usually happen to me... and so happy that one was yours!!!!

omg :shock: ,how embarrasing hun,that story has brightened my day though :rotfl: xx
bubble_dreamer said:
nah it was actually 3 flights of stairs worst thing about it they kept shaking me on the way down to try n encourage LO to get out of me :rotfl: all i kept saying was dont you bloody drop me :rotfl:

nah fran its not just you it definatly happens to me aswell this is definatly something im not going to forget in a hurry :rotfl:

I wish I was there!!! :rotfl: Id of had my mobile cam on!!! :rotfl:
Wobbles said:
bubble_dreamer said:
nah it was actually 3 flights of stairs worst thing about it they kept shaking me on the way down to try n encourage LO to get out of me :rotfl: all i kept saying was dont you bloody drop me :rotfl:

nah fran its not just you it definatly happens to me aswell this is definatly something im not going to forget in a hurry :rotfl:

I wish I was there!!! :rotfl: Id of had my mobile cam on!!! :rotfl:

ooh that reminds me i have some fab pics of you on a certain persons teampoline that i need to upload :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG you mong don't you dare! I've seen a couple off my cam & Donnas cam! :shock:
Oh bubble dreamer that is absolutely HILARIOUS! Can't stop laughing just thinking about it! How dramatic it all sounds!


bubble_dreamer said:
Wobbles said:
OMG you mong don't you dare! I've seen a couple off my cam & Donnas cam! :shock:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: il have to pick out the best ones in that case :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I see you again soon REMEMBER :lol:

Was a bit daft. Pregnant, drunk & bouncing on the trampoline like a looney! I was DIZZY!!!! :lol:

Send me the pics (all) you have later on MSN please chick? x
ur complainin now!!!! but hey id love a bit of drama like that!!! it was gd of ur MW 2 go 2 all the hassle tho!!! wonder if she phoned 999 :think: *pregnant lady trapped on 1st floor* ha ull make the headlines ;)

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