How do you sleep?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hi everyone :wave:

I just wondered how you all sleep - comfortably! The past few weeks I have been uncomfortable to say the least, and now end up falling asleep on my back, then during the night when I'm turning over (trying to get comfortable!) I experience sharp pulls usually in the lower part of my belly, which then worries me!

Have any of you found good positions or props to use that have helped you get a better nights sleep? :nap:

Thanks in advance for your help x
I put a pillow under my bump to support it.

Other than that, I just keep my fingers crossed that I do actually get some sleep! I've given up trying to get comfy now :lol:

I keep some spare pillows to hand to prop myself up when I wake up with the acid burn.
I go to sleep on my left side with a pillow supporting my bump but I wake up several times during the night - either to go to the loo or to try and get comfy again. And I keep waking up early - especially this morning with the clocks going back - didn't get my extra hours sleep!
Thanks girls! I think i'll try the pillow idea to support my bump.

I'm wondering whether it is worth investing in one of these triangular shaped pillows. I am hoping to breast feed, so it may come in handy for that too. Has anyone got one of these pillows - are they any good?

Thanks in advance x
My sil said the v-shaped pillow was a godsend although I haven't got one. As for the getting comfy thing, I would give up now hon as it probably aint gonna happen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but pregnant & comfy just don't seem to work together xxx
im so tired today from not getting much sleep last night, its really tough! i find on my right side (bad i know) is comfy with an extra pillow under my bump, or slightly proped up on my back is the only other comfy option. so strange but sleeping on my left side is really uncomfortable! x
im so tired today from not getting much sleep last night, its really tough! i find on my right side (bad i know) is comfy with an extra pillow under my bump, or slightly proped up on my back is the only other comfy option. so strange but sleeping on my left side is really uncomfortable! x

I can't sleep on my left. Baby goes absolutely mental and starts kicking like crazy. The only position that I can sleep in is on my right.
Ive given up on sleep! :(

I got out my spare double quilt, rolled it up and put 2 pillow cases
on each end to make an log like pillow. It's between my knees and continues up under my bump supporting it and ends under my head. Quite comfy for me. And a lot cheaper than them "maternity pillows"

It's the baby deciding to do somersaults starting at about midnight to the wee hours that's depriving me of my sleep!
i sleep on my left side with my right leg bent and my right foot under my left knee and tha supports my bump and i sleep fairly well most nghts just odd nights i just lie there awake x
I keep waking up with a bad back the last few nights, I only sleep on my side, and normally never move when asleep, the last few nights, I wake several times in the night as normal, btu have notticed I'm always on my back when I wake! so the back ache is from the laying on back I think!

Might try wedgeing myself with pillows both sides to keep me in one place.
I haven't managed a proper night's sleep since about week 7 and as you can see yet again I am wide awake in the early hours!!!! I just find that if I'm struggling to sleep if I get up and come downstairs for a bit then I can almost reset and go back to bed. Also put relaxing music on very very low if I am struggling to drift back off. Kicking DH out into guest bed also helps - sleep better when I have the whole bed :)
I refused to get a maternity pillow cos I was like '£30 for a pillow? Jog on!' BUT my darling OH bought me one anyway and no joke, it is a godsend.
I was having so much rib pain I could only sleep on my back, but now I can sleep however I want! I've moulded the stuffing in it so there's certain places for bump/ribs etc, and it's fantastic.

And yes, I get the irony that I've been up since half 4 this morning, but I obviously haven't told my body what maternity leave means lol! McDonalds breakfast for me later though, whoop!
Ive got a naternity pillow but a bolster one would be just as good i try to slleep on my left but baby is a bit mental kicking that way i do find i toss and turn and like u its hard to turn over. Comfy is not something i have been for a good few weeks!
Was wide awake at 3am this morning. YUK.

And I've woken up with ear ache, head ache, back ache and face ache. So not a happy camper here this morning :(
i managed a really comfy sleep last night only to have to be at work at 6.30 am this morning! Left side did it for me and hugging a spare pillow :lol: x
Finally got to sleep last night and then heard DH up and around at 4:15am so got up to fin out what he was up to and he was ready to walk out of the door an hour early!!-silly man hadn't changed his work phone that he was using as an alarm so back to bed for an hour up again at 5:40 so not exactly restful :)
And now I have to go and meet up with MIL -ahhh hope she's not too over the top today dont think I could quite cope!
And now I have to go and meet up with MIL -ahhh hope she's not too over the top today dont think I could quite cope!

LMAO!!! Your MIL sounds like my Mother! My Mum has been so over the top, intense and absolutely obsessed...I am starting to wonder what we spoke about before I fell pregnant! :roll:
I lay on my right side with a pillow turned over half way and then get the cover wrap up and half of it between my legs also i have a cusion under my bump

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