How do you pack a house?!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I'm clueless where to start! Every other time I've moved it's just been a case of packing bits up and now I've got to move a whole house :shock: we're doing the move ourselves, so things in drawers will just stay in the drawers, but I don't even know where to begin with the rest! I've packed some stuff from my room that I won't use and packed the summer clothes, but I'm stuck now!! Help!!
I got the OH to do it! I'm crap at packing and moving house, it stresses me out too much so I let him do it all! Lol
Sorry for the crap reply, hope you find it easier!!! x x
See I can't really do that cos my OH doesn't know where everything is still and what I need! I think it's most likely going to be a last minute job as I don't actually have that much to pack, the kids toys will be simple and intheir room that's all they have apart from their beds, clothes rail and drawers! Mines mainly all drawers and a thousand boxes under the bed! It's the kitchen that strikes fear into my heart! I do so much cooking and baking I'm always using stuff and I've got about 10 million things in my cupboards!
Boxes in every room on the floor and fill them up, but make sure it's stuff for the same room you're packing. No point packing your clothes amongst bedding for the girls room iyswim.?

I must admit I've only moved army style so I'm not used to tiny boxes full of stuff. We only had a dozen mfo boxes for our whole family of 5.

Make sure you label things. Also have a box with tea bags, coffee, kettle, cups, bog roll, bin bags, washing up liquid, cleaning wipes, towel, note pad to take meter readings, for as soon as you get there.

Not sure if I've helped!
Emma xx
The only move I vaguely remember was when I was 11 and was at school so didn't see all the packing and stuff! I do remember tho that even tho It wasn't a military move, it may as well have been :lol: once a member if the forces, always a member of the forces! The kids are proper pecking my head today as well so I can't really do owt! Can see a lot d late nights coming my way!
When we moved I packed most of the house myself during the week but couldn't bring myself to do the kitchen so on the Saturday morning we allocated two 'helpers' to the kitchen and they just packed everything for me :)
We had about 12 people helping us, it took 2 hours to move all our stuff and then my stepmum and MIL stayed in the old house cleaning for the rest of the morning. I was at the new house from 8am, looking after Lizzie and unpacking as stuff arrived. Didn't even go back to the old house to check it, just got the BBQ going for those who'd actually been moving us lol!!

So definitely rope in every family member and friend that you can, and say your job is to look after the kids haha x
The best advice I can give is pack everything from one room at a time. Label your boxes and don't mix rooms iykwim. I have moved house 8 times (since leaving home) so I am a bit of a veteran lol

When packing fragile things I use bathroom towels and bedding to make layers. Like put a towel in the bottom of the box, a layer of breakables, then another towel or bed sheet then another load of stuff etc...

It's proper stressful and a royal pain in the ass but once your settled into your new house it will be worth it. Xx
I've wrapped my money boxes in buggy liners :lol: my room is almost packed, all I need to do is pack DVDs, which will be day before and sort a few little bits! In actually quite glad now that I don't have loads of pictures and ornaments and stuff!
fuck it all into bags and hope for the best. when you get to the new house a large bottle of vodka in hand will work wonders lol xxx
I have loads of ornaments :blush:

The blanket/towel thing is good for kitchen packing. I must add the kitchen is THE worst room to pack coz u don't realise how much stuff is in there until you come to pack it xx
fuck it all into bags and hope for the best. when you get to the new house a large bottle of vodka in hand will work wonders lol xxx

:rofl: love itttttt!!!

The top tip is once you start the move, the first thing you should do in the new house is set your bed so you have a place to collapse when you've got no more in you. Otherwise you will crawl into an unmade bed and that is just nasty lol xx
:rofl: I'd love to do that!! We're going to move slowly xos we've got a few weeks to do it, so I'll start with moving in all the small stuff and when all that's sorted, we'll do a couple of van trips with the big furniture!
We did it using a man with van and my friends car. Everything like DVDs, records, CD's etc went in boxes. Music equipment stayed as is, all clothes went in bags (but not black bags, white bin liners so they weren't accidentally thrown away.) any rucksacks or overnight bags were filled with items such as teddybears, coat hangers etc. It took us about 6 hours to get everything moved and about 2 days to unpack sort it all out again.

We kept out a couple of changes of clothes, a coat and a jumper but everything else packed.
hows the moving going? you on the sauce yet? lol x
Oh and make sure any bottles are packed in something which doesn't have a bottom it could fall out of. I'm still mourning the loss of my only bottle of Rekorderlig cider I had left.
i would nearly move right now just to have a drink lol x
I'm actually thinking we should buy the house off then in a few years just so we don't have to move again :lol:
I've actually not packed anything else! It's gona be a last minute job k think!
I packed cupboard by cupboard,room by room then labelled and stacked the boxes. I started in the kitchen and packed every non essential item,i left enough cutlery,plates and pans to get by. Oh and i packed all the non played with toys up and taped the boxes so the kids couldn't unpack them again. All clothes,bedding n towels went in bin bags xx

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