how do you know.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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......when you can feel the baby kicking? I get twinges now and again and light fluttering but i have no idea if its wind or baby... or even something else! lol x
Someone told me it feels like a bottle of fizzy juice being opened inside you lol cos it feels likes bubbles surfacing to the top of the bottle (if that makes any sense) xx
i think maybe its just wishful thinking then - i havent felt anything like that, have you? Cant wait to feel baby!! x
To me it felt like being tapped gently rather than 'flutters' or 'bubbles' x
I havent felt that description that a lady told me. Sometimes thought i felt like fluttery feelings but cant be sure if thats what i felt or not. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will start feeling definate movements. Ive also heard it feels like a pop which i felt on friday but again that could have been anything. xx
You know when you get an involuntary twitch and your eyelid moves and you cant stop it, well i would say it kind of feels like that at first. A strange comparison i know lolxx
mine was more light taps, but i have never felt previous baby's move early either, people say its like bubbles popping, i never felt my other baby's kick till gone 20 weeks this one was about 17 weeks the earliest ever i have felt movements, midwife told me it was because my tummy muscles are so toned so myabe they slacking now lol. I too was a gymnast and a dancer until after i had my eldest 2 children.
I felt sort of flutters and pops and wasn't sure either, but then as soon as i went from 18 weeks to 19 i get proper kicks now and can see baby moving, i felt all the flutters at 16/17 weeks x
i can only describe it as when you hold a goldfish in a bag and it swims around and you feel it slightly like that haha ive not felt anything yet
I thought it first felt like someone just tapping me from the inside lol. I didnt feel flutters or anything. Just sat watching telly and all of a sudden felt a tap and knew it was baby :)

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