How do you deal with tantrums?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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DS has started having tantrums recently, the worst one so far being last night. He's always been an angel and everyone has always commented on him being such a good boy. He's been teething and also the arrival of DD 3 weeks ago could have contributed.

I'm finding it hard to cope with as I'm not used to it.

Iv been reading online how best to deal with it. Most sites say distraction from the offset and while this works sometimes, I can't run to him every time he starts to whinge. As I type he is having a full on tantrum, been screaming for the past 5 minutes and I picked him up, put him in his cot and iv left him there but I'm not sure what is the right thing to do.

What do u do? Any tips?? He's 18mo by the way x
Jack doesn't have tantrums, i'm so lucky! He tends to just huff a bit if he doesn't get his own way but distraction defo works for him.

Ignoring him is another good one. Put him somewhere safe and let him go for it, LO's hate being ignored!!
At that age I just used to put them somewhere safe and ignore! Which isn't so easy now, but I tend to pick them up, move them somewhere out the way and tell them I'll speak to them when they calm down, but I'm invariably followed round by a screaming child :lol:

Ks a bit better cos she's nearly 5, so I can sometimes talk her down from it, or just tell her to go and chill in her room for a bit! But E follows me around trying to cling to my legs and drives me up the bloody wall!
I just put H down and ignore her. It usually works unless OH or inlaws are about, as they just fuss over her and undermine me every single time by picking her up and giving her a cuddle! T
But that's a whole other rant and I won't take over your thread lol x

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I just make sure that our LO is somewhere safe and let her get on with it. I found the more attention I gave her the worse it got. Sometimes if it's just a mini tantrum from not getting a certain toy or whatever, that distraction works - 'ooh, look at this book' or 'where's dolly?' etc.
I think it's better to have tantrums than being passive? So am ok with them. I repeatily ask what is wrong and why are you crying and failing that just ignore her. It's getting better and she generally stops by herself now quite quickly!
We try either distraction or ignoring as long as he's in a safe place. So far his have only been minor over not having a certain toy etc x
distraction or i say ok then you have a tantrum and walk away, she usually follows and stops paddying pretty quickly
Yeah we ignore too if its a huge one or try to distract if its just a 'I want that' paddy x
Ignore here.

She likes to do it when you say no or she doesn't get her way.

I have to bite my lip sometimes cos its so funny lol
Distraction works most of the times but if we are out i strap and we go. He usually stops shortly after. Its hard but its part of their development. They get angry and frustrated. Sometimes a cuddle works best x
Arrival of the sibling is a big shock and takes time to adjust to.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
We stamp here and make a funny noise. It's hilarious. Must try and video it to show her when she's 18 x
I just ignore most the time, distraction only works very occassionally here

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Layla has delayed development and dosent talk yet she gets major frustrated which ends in tantrums I put her on bean bag at home and let her get on with it,passes quickly now xx
I will ignore my LO if she starts and if she continues to tantrum she is removed from the situation and left till she calms down ie. taken out of the room if there's lots of people or if we are at home put on her bed and left till she gets herself up again. She usually comes back a normal child again and in a really good mood. In public if its safe ill leave her to paddy and pretend to walk off and she will come running, however I usually avoid the tantrum completely by making sure I'm carrying her or putting her in a trolley as the tantrum usually comes from when she's asked to come with me while she's walking and she doesn't want to.

Tantrums in our case usually come from when she's tired or she's having too much fun and doesn't want to leave. I'm hoping its one of those things that she will grow out of as she starts talking and tbh she really surprised me when she started with them but now I can totally deal with them and its become a lot easier again xxx
Thanks everyone. I think it is coming from tiredness, teething and maybe the arrival of DS but he also nearly always has a tantrum after his one day a week at nursery so again I think he's tired. Yep hopefully when he can explain to me what's wrong it will stop! Probably wishful thinking tho!! X
My lo can talk and tell me what's wrong but we still get bad tantrums here! I just tend to ignore or distract. A lot of the time I'm hiding away laughing at him!!
Would much prefer a spirited child than a passive one to be honest. Makes life more interesting!!!
My lo can talk and tell me what's wrong but we still get bad tantrums here! I just tend to ignore or distract. A lot of the time I'm hiding away laughing at him!!
Would much prefer a spirited child than a passive one to be honest. Makes life more interesting!!!

100% agree.

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