How did you know if you wanted to know boy/girl


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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:wave: Hello girlys! Hopefully I will be joining you very soon! (dating scans on 5th of March) so just a quick hello and intro :D

I was wondering how you decided if you wanted to know what you were having (a boy or girl) I don't know if I do my boyfriend says he doesn't want to know but said I can find out if I want. But If I know I will be far too excited and I know I'll let it slip....he says he knows I will be excited and wont mind if I let it slip but oooooo I don't know if I want to know.

I always had the whole idea of yay you give birth then you get told "its a...." what made you decide if you wanted to know? I know that all that matters is that its healthy and thats the main thing and if I cant decide what I want then it will be a nice little surprise!
I think even before I was pregnant I knew I would want to know, and still feel that way now.

Even more so when I've been looking round for stuff to get! I am 100% sure about knowing and thankfully OH is too! Maybe we're just impatient little beings!

Hope all is good over in 1st Tri! :wave: x
I wanted to know what both mine were! Iwas like a kid at crimbo when 20 week scan was geting closer.

Its lovely knowing what they are - I found I bonded loads with my bump and still got a surprise when the babies popped out!
I knew I didn't want to know - I want a surprise after all the hard work!

Luckily I didn't have to worry about accidentally finding out as my hospital doesn't tell u but if I was that keen to know I would have forked out for a private scan. I'm not so I haven't :lol:
I wanted to know as soon as I found I was pregnant. I like to imagine how things will be and knowing the sex will help with that. Also I don't like referring to the baby as it. I'd also prefer to know before decorating a nursery or buying clothes. I know I'll love which ever Bubs turns out to be but I guess I'm too inquisitive and impatient to wait to find out.
We both wanted to know the gender (although we had a really strong suspicion she was a girl so it was more confirmation than anything else).

If nothing else, we couldn't keep calling her Maurice, poor love.
I knew I definitely didn't want to know. I guess I like surprises; I was always the kind of kid who took ages opening my Christmas pressies as I really wanted to savour the moment whereas my bro. ripped them all open in 5 minutes!!! And there's no way I would ever have sneaked a look at them before they were wrapped!

I've never really wanted to personalise my babies too much before they've been born either - even if you know the sex, you don't know what they'll look like, and what little personality they'll have until they are born anyway. And in terms of names, lots of people name them before they're born when they know the sex (and I think I'd be in danger of doing that too) but I remember when my 1st was born - I was adament that I wanted to call her Chloe if she was a girl, but once I had her in my arms I really didn't think that name suited her afterall.

I guess it's individual choice really. Most women I know seem to find out but not knowing worked for me.
OOh, I'm with you Ginercubes. i can't decide now. I was adamant I would remain Team Green, but now my 20 week scan is approaching I'm quite tempted. The thought of having to wait another 20 weeks...well, I don't know if I can. I am pretty certain I am having a girl though, so maybe I should as I worry that if it does turn out to be a boy I may not bond or something??? Am sure that is rubbish but as I haven't even really thought about boy's names, (well, Spike but OH has vetoed that), I don't feel like I would be prepared. (You can all tell me how daft I am now).
I wanted to find out as I can't stand suprises! I also wanted to hit the shops for team blue or pink. I'm blue BTW! xx
We wanted to find out, more out of convenience more than anything...
But i might have wanted to know anyway, just so i could call it he or she rather than it!

Im only just turning 20 2mro so wanted to know so we could plan ahead, buying things ect

I didn't want to know, I though it would be perfect going through labour to be told at the end "it's a ...." would make things so much more worthwhile.
But I think it's helped me feel pregnant if that makes sense, and I don't think actually seeing my baby for the first time ill be any less exciting :D
I wanted to know as Im so impatient, its hard enough that bumps dont have windows so you can have a peek at your baby :rotfl:

I have been able to get him lots of lovely clothes and things for his nursery. I knew it was a boy anyway, I just had this overwhelming feeling and if I had been told girl I would've been stunned :shock:
I didn't find out what I was having with my son (My DH wanted to keep it as a surprise) and I can honestly say that when he was born, I didn't even think what is it, I was so relieved that it was over, I think had I been told that it was a monkey, I would have been chuffed :rotfl:

I am pretty sure we are finding out this time as long as DH doesn't change his mind :D

I thik we probably are going to find out now, after some discussion. We just heard that OH's brother & wife are expecting a boy, (they're a few weeks ahead of us), and that has made us even more impatient. PLUS I want to start shopping!!!!! Would be more practical for us to spread out buying things over the next few months rather than stick to neutral and STILL go and blow money on a load of pink/blue stuff after the birth.
When is the earliest that they can tell on a scan? I'm DESPERATE to know and want to book a scan for the earliest possible time.
I really wanted to know but babe had other ideas. I really like visulisation and my friend who is a hypnotherapist and he keeps trying to get me to do excersisese that involve thinking about the future. I can't!

I don't know how to picture a child without knowing if it is a boy or girl. I always end up seeing it as a girl, but thats because, if I had to choose, I'd have a girl. My hubby wants a boy though, either way I'm happy, I just want to know. And I'm fed up with buying white or yellow clothes. I'vce got a couple of blue sets, I don't mind girls in blue, they look sweet, but I can't put a boy in pink!
With DS1 we hadnt decided by the 2o week if we wanted ot know or not! So we asked the sonogrpaher to write it down and seal it in an envelope. Then when we felt ready, we opened it :D
I hoped for a girl, but it didnt matter.

With DS2, there no missing he was boy! :lol: We had no choice in finding out :lol: We really didnt mind what the gender was though.

with #3, we wnated to know because we both had such strong gut instict it was a girl, and we wanted to throw everything Blue out. so we found out. But we're not jumping the guns yet. We're still not convinced its a boy as the sonogropher couldnt get a good picture. We'd both hoped this one was a girl. JUst means we'll be going for #4 :lol:

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