how did u compromise?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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in case u havent seen this in baby names, please help!

now we kno we're definately having a princess, in little more than six weeks (little more than four if she dont turn around- little madam!) we're trying to choose a name. we both did lists but tbh i didnt like ANY of the names on his list, and he wasnt raving about my list! i thought we'd at least agree on SOME we liked!
whats a fair way of choosing when u and baby-daddy hav different tastes?
he suggested flipping a coin, but i dont wanna dislike my own daughter's name! nor do i want her daddy to either!
nnnnnnnnggggghhhhh its really stressful how do u compromise?!
hmm tricky one....i compromised with my ex by letting him choose the middle name as I HATED all his first name choices lol, I didnt like the middlename he chose either but who likes thier middle name lol

I guess another way would be to take echothers lists and cross off all the ones you really really hate, and leave 3 on each, then use that to make a list of 6 and get someone else ie a grandparent or close friend to choose the final one?

EDIT: Better yet list the names here and do a poll!
Hmmmmm......we weren't in much agreement with girls names really either.....tbh we just talked about different names A LOT!!!!

in the end we decided on names that would bring the 2 families together, so after more discussion we decided on Elizabeth (MIL middle name) Ann (my moms middle name) & then had endless discussions on what we would 'nickname' the princess - he liked Lizzie & Beth.......i wasn't keen, so had to convince him that Libby was the one.....which he grew to love :cheer:

I think you'll just have to discuss what names you like & why with each other, and see if there are any names that get you to meet in the middle of your tastes.

Happy choosing - looking forward to hearing what name you decide on :hug:
It's definitely a nightmare - we went through a book of 3000 names (have to find both boys and girls as we don't know what we're having). Anyway we did each letter and both of us HAD to like the name to make the list boys names were really hard. We ended up with obout 7 boys names and 30 girls and short listed from them we now have 5 of each but haven't made our final decision yet.
Me and my Oh had the same problem i liked the name Erin and he liked the name Cerys so we compromised and came up with Keryn both our names together

luv lou n keryn xxx
Can you come up with more names. We both kept coming up with names but not quiet liking each others names, until eventually we came up with a name we both liked.
I think that you need to find one that you both like or else one of you will end up being unhappy.
Hmmm my attitude was, my morning sickness, my swollen ankles, my bad back, my heartburn, my sleepless nights, my constant trips to the loo, my perineum, my bloody choice :D

I did let him pick the middle name though :wink:
thats it hun you have to just keep looking there will be the perfect name you both love and will be so pleased you carried on searching rather then just settling for a name that one of you doesnt like
Miracle babe said:
Hmmm my attitude was, my morning sickness, my swollen ankles, my bad back, my heartburn, my sleepless nights, my constant trips to the loo, my perineum, my bloody choice :D

I did let him pick the middle name though :wink:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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