How could I have got it so wrong??


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I really thought I knew my cycles!
I knew them b4 I went on the pill, I knew them on the pill, but now I'm off the pill, turns out I haven't the foggiest about my cycles!

I was so sure I'd be OV 2day, and have literally ridden DH raw over the past 3 days, so much so, that this morning he told me we can't DH 2day becuz he needs time to recouperate lol!
But I used an OPK 2day and there's only a slight faint line. By now it should be dark pink!
Its so frustrating when u think u know ur cycle, and it turns out u don't!

Now I'm afraid I've worn DH out and I'll miss my chance this month just because my cycle doesn't know what to be at!!


these poor men

Im sure he'll recover in a couple of days
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Don't forget when you get the dark line (as dark as the control to be positive) that means that ov will occur within the next 24 to 48 hrs. Oh will have loads of time to recuperate ;) x
give hi, two days and then hop to it!! i get faint lines just before they get darker xx
I really thought I knew my cycles!
I knew them b4 I went on the pill, I knew them on the pill, but now I'm off the pill, turns out I haven't the foggiest about my cycles!

I was so sure I'd be OV 2day, and have literally ridden DH raw over the past 3 days, so much so, that this morning he told me we can't DH 2day becuz he needs time to recouperate lol!
But I used an OPK 2day and there's only a slight faint line. By now it should be dark pink!
Its so frustrating when u think u know ur cycle, and it turns out u don't!

Now I'm afraid I've worn DH out and I'll miss my chance this month just because my cycle doesn't know what to be at!!



You are only on CD12 according to your ticker, is that right? If so that would be quite early to ov (i get positive opk normally on cd16-7, but think i am a little later than most?).

Agree with above - plenty of time for some recuperation. Have you tried dosing OH with man-vitamins, I've been forcing these down DH throat this month and he does seem very frisky on them
Agree with above - plenty of time for some recuperation. Have you tried dosing OH with man-vitamins, I've been forcing these down DH throat this month and he does seem very frisky on them

LOL love the use of 'dosing' here, the things we do to our men!!
Jayjay I'm starting to find there's a steep learning curve to this as well. I realised in the middle of the night last night that my calculations were two days out, and my period is actually due today. BFN unfortunately :( Which is probably because I totally miscalculated ov too. Aaargh!!
leesey - gutted hunny but your not out until af shows hun xx

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