how can i lower the temperature..


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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in my house?

we live in a mid terrace, so have the heat coming from both sides.. we've actually not needed to put the heating on since we moved in :oops: (2 months ago almost :rotfl:)

it's especially bad upstairs in the bedrooms, (babies room isn't AS bad.) anyway, i got one of they grobag egg room thermometers for the babies room, and i tried it out and it's been glowing orange and red :oops: usually around 24 degrees :?

does anyone have any tips on what i could do to cool the place down, i'm getting worried for when our little man comes and it's too warm :( leaving windows open for long periods isn't an option because we have house cats. i have a fan in our room which i use frequently :wall:

any ideas ladies?

Our room has been warm since the sun came out. LO has less layers at night. We leave off his vest atm and he is in the lighter tog sleeping bag. Our Grobag egg said 21C most of last night :? LO slept well and seemed happy enough. I'd not want my egg to turn red tbh, and would try to bring the temp down somehow if it hit that high for sleeping in for LO.

When it gets really warm we shall use a fan and also leave windows open in the evening.

You could leave your bedroom window open and shut the door so the cats can't get in. Just means there is no air flow per se. Any way you can shut the cats downstairs and open all the windows up there for a couple of hours in the later evening to cool things down?
we in a mid-terrace, also a big victorian town house, and upstairs is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot in summer! we just open windows, and dress baby in a short-sleeved, short-legged babygro to sleep in, and only give her a cellular blanket not a full one. and me n boyf sleep naked ontop of covers, we have luxury of a ceiling fan in our room too :D
I never remember to, but they say in the cool mornings open all windows, then when it gets warmer outside close the curtains to stop the sun warming the air again.

I'd just buy a fan, we have a few I couldn't do without them.
sherry - i think it'll have to come to shutting the cats downstairs tbh, the weather has been so humid recently though i feel like the air outside is hot anyways :roll:

trixi - a ceiling fan would be amazing :lol:

how do you ladies tell when the babies too warm then? without them getting clammy and sweaty, what else should i look out for?
they moan and fidget i find , also if they feel hot behind the back of the neck is a good indication , our room and his nursery has been at 24 in the hot weather , ive just took off a layer , he seems to like being warm at night but i dont want him too warm.
Urchin's suggestion about the curtains is a good one. We leave all the blinds shut in our house during the day and then open the windows a bit through the night - you can always pop a blanket on if you're not sure he's warm enough cos its easier to make someone warmer than it is colder.
ive never done it, but my nan does...... pop a bowl of ice behind a fan - blows the cool air from the ice around around. pretty wasteful in term of electric needed to make the ice though... :think:

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