How Awful


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Oh god

I've just read the headlines on my homepage and one is about a 5 month old that has been killed by 2 rottweilers. :cry:

The family own a pub and apparently the baby was in the living area when it was attacked by the 2 dogs which apparently also dragged her up to the roof.

It's so horrid especially with lily being that sort of age it's awful to think what the poor girl suffered threw.

OMG :puke: That is shocking :twisted: Poor parents :cry:

But I have to say, I have a little Yorkie- Candy who is as placid as they cum but I never leave Rebecca in the room with her alone. You just never know!

1: Rebecca likes to grab her 2: I am sure if Candy thot no one was there she would snatch food out her hand she is a chancer!

I think you have to be careful. Poor baby. :(
honestly its time those sorts of dogs were culled.
im sorry if this offends anyone but those dogs aren't meant as pets - they are killing machines.

There was a spate of attacks a few years back - the laws should have changed then.

you can't really compare those sorts of dogs with yorkshire terriers etc. Yorkshire terriors and similar pet dogs nip and let go. Dogs like rottweilders bite and hang on and don't let go until they've ripped what they have got apart. You've only got to look at the savage jaws to see what i mean.
Thats really sad. :cry:

I totally agree with you Budge.
I don't think that all rotteweilers are bad, the baby should not have been left alone with them. My dad kept rotteweilers for years and never had any problems with them around us :?
Just got a link to the story it doesn't really say much more from what I posted but here it is anyway. ... 375520.stm

also just wanted to say that it doesn't actually say the baby was left alone just that it was in the living area.

This story just makes me sick to my stomach what her poor parents must be going through

I doubt someone would of been in the room if the dogs managed to get her up to the roof :think: Hmmm

Budge I am meaning the fact that babies shouldn't be left unattended with dogs regardless of the breed. A nip from a Yorkie could take a babies finger off-that wouldnt be pleasant either! :shock:
it is awful i had a tear in my eye when i heard it...nevertheless where were the childs parents?!?! and I am in agreement with Kina, rottweilers are not bad dogs..they are not killing machines, they are whatever they are bought up to be!!! Yorkshires are not always nip and let go..if you teach a yorky to bite and tear and not let go from a young will!!! Rottweilers are strong dogs and people tend to bring them up with an incentive to use that strength instead of training them properly. Its not the dogs fault, its the owners!
I was chased by a Rott when I was about 5 years old - a neighbours dog. I can't remember what happened, I must have fainted or something! I remember screaming and running and it was chasing me, and after that the next thing I remember was I was lying on the driveway with my dad plus my neighbour (the dog's owner) wth me.

That Rott bit a woman a few months later. The owner took him into the wood and shot it after that. Spose that's what you get for having a dog named Judas!!!

But about this baby though, that is horrible. I don't even want to imagine what those parents are going through!

Reading stuff like that makes me want to hug Lydia and never let her go!

Rottweilers should definitely not be kept as pets....and neither should pit bulls - they're infamous for attacking people aswell, often children. I know some of you say that Rottweilers are not that bad....well I guess that's your opinion, but you won't catch me going near one!
It is so sad. The poor baby.

I don't agree that rotties are any more dangerous then any other breed. I had a collie who when we first got him was nasty, and did nip a child. I have worked with dogs and have never had an issue with a rottie, they have always been placid etc. The ones I did get bit by were the terrior types. I was bitten by a staffie bull when I was a kid, but I blame the owner seeing as he used to set it anyone who got too near his front door. The reason these types of dogs tend to be nasty are because of their owners, who buy these dogs to be guard dogs or to make themselves look mean, and they tend to encourage the dog to be aggressive.

All breeds of dogs have the potential to kill a child, even yorkies. It makes me so angry when you have people who say "oh my kids love my dog, he would never hurt them and I trust him totally" :wall: A dog is an animal. I would never have left Seren alone with my dog or my cats, animals are unpredictable.
See thats what I mean Beanie, all dogs have it in them, even my Yorkie Candy. I was always told, expect the unexpected with a dog!

Not that I brand ever dog a viscious one, but u just never know. Even my wee rat like Candy has it in her to turn! :roll:
i hear what you all say but when was the last time you heard of a yorkshire terrior killing a child? :think:
that is sooo awful, cant even begin to know what that family must be thinking :(

poor child :cry:
When was the last time you heard of someone buying a yorkie to train them to be aggressive? people buy rotties because they want a dog that they can train to be aggressive, someone wants a dog to look hard and be a guard dog, they are not exactly going to buy a small dog are they. Hence why the % of rotties attacking are higher, cause when people want a dog to train them to attack they buy such a dog...when people want a dog to be a cuddly little friend they buy a yorkie, i will be buying a rottie hopefully in future, to be a cuddly little friend, that is how i will bring him/her up and that is how he/she will be. I used to work in a kennels and the most aggressive dogs were the smaller ones, the rotties were big softys!
yes thats great cassi . but i object to these dogs being trained to be aggressive then being taken to the local park for excercise with kids and balls all over the place.

you can't mix pet dog with guard dog.
budge said:
honestly its time those sorts of dogs were culled.
im sorry if this offends anyone but those dogs aren't meant as pets - they are killling macines.
There was a spate of attacks a few years back - the laws should have changed then.

you can't really compare those sorts of dogs with yorkshire terriers etc. Yorkshire terriors and similar pet dogs nip and let go. Dogs like rottweilders bite and hang on and don't let go until they've ripped what they have got apart. You've only got to look at the savage jaws to see what i mean.

I'm sorry but that is a very ignorant response - ALL dogs can kill, i am a veterinary nurse and have seen and delt with just about every breed, It is how they are trained or not trained that is the problem.
Belive me i've found yorkshire terriers more aggressive than rotties, they may be small but they can still give very nasty bites and i have a scars on my arm to prove it.
Any dog no matter what breed could kill a 5 month old baby.

NO DOG, whether docile or not should be left alone with a baby/child.
budge said:
yes thats great cassi . but i object to these dogs being trained to be aggressive then being taken to the local park for excercise with kids and balls all over the place.

you can't mix pet dog with guard dog.

but then its the owners isnt it, not the dogs!!!!! So why, because of this should they all be culled?!?!?!

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