How are you all now??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Hi everyone, i shouldnt really be posting in here as im only 10 weeks but i just have a question. im realy am suffering with this my first pregnancy i feel so sick, im fainting and having headaches, soooo tired, i can barely eat and im like this all the time i can barely get myself off the sofa. I know that most people this early are the same and iv been told that by second tri i will feel great so just wondered if its true. How do you guys feel generally? i want you all to reply say yea im great i feel great i look great, my hairs great lol. i know its not always the case. And when were you starting to feel better? just so i have a rough timescale in my head of how long il feel like this.
Thanks a lot and i will speak to you alll properly in about 3 weeks :D
Keelie! :hug: I will be completely honest and say, this time Im feeling ok now sick wise etc! But with my last three, not the same! With my DD for example, i was nausious and ill until about 27 weeks!
Its different with every pregnancy! I think in general though most women do feel better by 13 weeks! :D :cheer:
I wouldn't say I feel great but certainly less tired and rubbish than in first tri.
i felt crap in 1st tri, picked up a hell of a lot in 2nd tri, although the past few days i have had the most awful backache(all the time!) and leg ache (when im in bed!) also been having a few of those evil headaches i had in 1st tri :evil:
I felt at my worst around weeks 9 and 10, but am now over the sickness, it stopped around 12/13 weeks, but I still get the odd off day, not much though. :hug:
I'm still feeling really ill. I am only entering Tri 3 today though.

I'm hoping so much that it'll end soon but at the moment, it's getting worse, not better.
I feel much better now than I did in 1st tri if I'm honest but still not 100%.

For most of 1st tri I felt sick all day every day and that didn't really ease off until about 15 weeks. Mmy headaches have cleared up a lot but I've moved desks at work and it's not quite as bright as it was so that could be something to do with that. My only problem now is terrible backache.....and that's getting worse!! but at least I don't feel sick all the time. I still feel crappy off an on but it usually only lasts an hour or so. My tiredness hasn't really cleared up but I've just found out I'm anemic and got to have iron tablets so hopefully they will help with that.

The good points are that I'm catching the sun much easier since I've been PG and those few days of sunshine a couple of weeks ago have made me look much healthier than before and my hair (although a bit more frizzy) has gone really shiny. My face looks really even and spot free too and my skin is soooooo soft!! It's lovely. I wouldn't say I was 'blooming' but I'm definately looking a bit perkier.......even if I'm not feeling it!!

Good news is...... although for some women the crap feeling lasts all the way through for most people you will start to feel better in 2nd tri...although when you're in 1st tri, it seems like you're going to feel crap forever!!
I felt better by week 11, sickness and tiredness had gone. I've found tri2 a lot more enjoyable than tri1 but I am still waiting for that pregnancy glow! lol (and for my ankles to stop swelling up like an old woman!)
Hope you start to feel better soon :hug:
You will be joining us over here in a couple of weeks! :D
i felt a lot better by wk 12, at first i felt really crap and sick all the time and very tired but i feel fine now apart from a bit of backache and tiredness!!

Sarah xx
I felt loads better at week 14. Looking back, can't believe how tired and sick I felt.

Only a few more weeks and you should be 'blooming' as they say!!
You really want to know?......well...................

In 1st tri I had 2 Kidney infections. I couldn't move! I really really couldn't I had to sit on the sofa and not had enough energy to shower or even stand up longer than a minuet I couldnt eat because I was spueing it back up and I could just drink water as long as I did it slowly tiny sips at a time that lasted 3weeks when I went to the doctor I was told I had morning sickness and they couldn't help. I felt better for a couple weeks then one sunday I was sick once every half a hour I booked another appointment with the doctor but this time he checked my urine and I had a infection that had spread to the kidneys and that was why I was being so ill. SO they gave me pills and I got better.

And hairs crap my skins crap but I feel absolutely fantastic!!! Haha! I feel so well and healthy....yahhh hormonal but other than that I feel really really well. Believe me I thought the sick feeling was going to last forever but now its over things are really good. I stopped feeling sick at about 14weeks but I still have to wake up and eat straight away or I will be sick but I know that and can control it. Things will get better for you soon :hug:
So everyones completely different then lol. theres no pattern at all by the looks of it. right well il just stick it out then and hope to feel better soon. il go back to 1st tri now and speak to you all soon.
Thanks ladies!! :D
Yep everyone is different and even every pregnancy is different so there is no guarentees I really looked forward to feeling beter in 2nd tri but when 13 weeks came and went and I felt rough still and felt lied too lol but by 15 weeks was feeling alot beter and right now feel pretty good yeah not as great as perhaps when wasn't pregnant theres lots of niggly little things but feeling baby kick and get stronger every day and seeing my bump get bigger, finding out we're having a little girl all these exciting 2nd tri things definately more then make up for any niggles, discomfort or pain!!! :hug:
I felt so bad for a few weeks after coming into tri 2, don't expect it to clear up straight away... BUT you will feel better eventually.

I'm seriously knackered, that's probably due to work. Other than that I have an occasional bout of heartburn and my back hurts a lot! I keep complaining though, you've got to right? lol

On the whole I'm feeling so much better, so much more energy and I do actually want to eat dinner and so on. I hope you're like me if you're beginning to feel a bit fed up with it!

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