How accurate is


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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The weight in antenatal growth chart in your green notes? I am allegedly 30+4 and baby measuring weighing 5.5 lbs already and this is my first child :(
Have you had a growth scan? I was told they aren't accurate charts I had 36 week growth scan and it said baby weighed 9.4lbs!!!! Midwife thinks that's wrong and then they found out last week I have gestational diabetes !!
When are you told the weight? No-one has mentioned the baby's weight to me...? Just the fundal measurement. X
yeah iv never been told weight of baby, also what ur green notes ?
Green notes are the ones you carry around with you. The estimated weight is based on the FH where I have consistently measured 4 weeks infront. Had growth scans and baby is said to be large but just within normal limits have another scan next week. Baby moves 50+ times a day and night and it's now getting painful as I'm not that big. Strangely the last date of my period puts me 4 weeks infront as well. Either way I'm nervous I'm going to give birth early or give birth to baby elephant. On the 3d scan at the weekend I was astounded at baby's fleshy lips and chubby cheeks..... labour is so gonna hurt :( xx
On the 3d scan at the weekend I was astounded at baby's fleshy lips and chubby cheeks..... labour is so gonna hurt :( xx

Did you get a growth report with your 3D scan? They usually give you an estimated weight of your LO there and then too as far as I'm aware. I got one at mine :)
I've had a few growth scans baby has always measured more or less normal. My son was normal birth weight and I'll let u know asap if this one is.

There was someone here not long ago who supposedly had a baby at 33weeks and it weighed nearly 7lb so it could be right!

* tapatalking from my bb *
My l/o was born at 36+6 at 7lbs. He always measured big. I had a scan 6 days before he was born which said he was 6lb12oz so quite accurate x
I asked for a weight measurement for the 3d but was told they didn't measure them. 7lbs that early gulp!!! xx
I was measuring big through out pregnancy but my lil one arrived on the 20th jan weighing 8lbs. Was prepared for a bigger baby tbh.x
I heard it is notoriously difficult to size unborn babies, even with all the medical technology we have now! And if it's any consolation my my auntie who is a midwife with 30 years experience said bigger babies make for easier births - gravity drags them out!! lol
I got told my first would be small and she was 7lb13oz wich is a good average size i think but this time around im measuring 2/3cm under so they think she's going to be a lil 6lb but we'll see when she gets a move on!
And i've heard that too about bigger babies and gravity xx
I heard it is notoriously difficult to size unborn babies, even with all the medical technology we have now! And if it's any consolation my my auntie who is a midwife with 30 years experience said bigger babies make for easier births - gravity drags them out!! lol

oh god i hope xx
wouldn't take a massive amount of notice. My SIL was told hers would be around 7lb 1/2 on a growth scan cos they were worried about her size. One week later baby was born at 9lb 13ozs so unless he managed to put on 2lb in 6 and a half days then they were a little bit out. lol
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I got told my first would be small and she was 7lb13oz wich is a good average size i think but this time around im measuring 2/3cm under so they think she's going to be a lil 6lb but we'll see when she gets a move on!
And i've heard that too about bigger babies and gravity xx

i was told my first would 3 to 4lb as i carried really small and had all the growth scans, but he was 6lb 13oz

had to have growth scans with 2nd baby too and measured 4 weeks behind on the chart was told id be lucky to have another 6lb baby and he was 7lb 10oz

so i really dont think they are very accurate at all, im having growth scans with this one too!! not that im gonna be worried unless they say its measuring spot on for dates as i may be worried about it being big then with all the stuff they have told me in the past :) x
I went for a growth scan a couple of weeks back and my LO was apparently 5.5lbs not sure how accurate that was, but I know they aren't very accurate. xx

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