House guest - my cunning plan!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I must be mad :shock: but I agreed to it, with conditions :lol:

OH has been contacted by a good friend of his from Uni back in Australia who is in the UK for a short while and would like to come down and see him/us overnight if possible.

OH tried for this Sunday but alas no, other guy is in Edinburgh then. So we opted for next Tuesday and staying till Wednesday morning, when OH will drop him back at the train station for 8am.

We've told him to not buy his ticket till he hears from OH on Tuesday morning. If I've shown any sign of labour by then we'll cancel, if not he can go ahead and come down for the night. Train is about 2.5 hours from London so he'll arrive Tuesday early afternoon if all is well.

I told OH if I go into labour after he arrives then I'll pack them off to the pub for a bit and give him a call when I need him :lol: And we can then arrage for his friend to stay at the pub overnight rather than come back here.

What do you think ladies? Sound like a good plan to ensure I go into labour by Tuesday? :think: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It is a plan that works, tried and tested! One of my best friends was due to stay with me the day my waters broke. :lol:
Right thats it, im planning for people to come stay when i hit 38 weeks now!! That way she has to turn up... right :lol:

Sounds like a good plan jsut in case you do pop whilst hes there
Hehehe....very sneaky thinking! :D

I'd try it, but knowing my luck, it'd be the mother-in-law & I wouldn't go into labour for another week...& she wouldn't leave! :D

She likes coming to stay with us.....for a rest!
Ha ha, I like the plan Sherlock!!! :rotfl: You're very brave!

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