hot and bothered!

i just dont know how im going to cope throughout the summer whilst pregnant! its toooooo hot :(

I think im going to invest in a massive paddling pool and lounge about when my maternity leave starts :(
That sounds better than my plan, Im so going pool shopping tomorrow!!!x
i had a dress and bare legs today and i swear it was WET of sweat between my legs! Nice.. very sexy aswell. This is just the beginning girls.. we didnt choose a good time to become pregnant..
Oh the wet legs syndrome, SO gross isnt it !? Just DONT wear grey.. Ever..
Omg I'm so hot right now!! I'm in bed but with the windows closed cos I'm scared a giant spider will come in and OH is working away so got no one to rescue me :( I'm not too bad during the day, suffered walking back from town yesterday but it's night time that's the worse!! So uncomfy!!

Ooh you are so like me, have a fear of waking up with a spider dangling over my open sleeping mouth!! windows shut, and no pjs instead!

Must admit I wouldn't want a baby wrapped round my middle in this heat ladies, make sure you stock up on ice lollies!
Its days like this that make you think.. "Maybe I should have bought a Freezer"
I must be a freak cos the warm weather ain't bothering me. :eh:

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