Hospital yesterday!!upset!!!

You will be suprised of how strong you can be during labour, the worst part for me was the contractions, i did have gas and air but as i was throwing up on it i left it and had a no pain relief birth. Its normal to worry but sometimes worrying so much can make it worse , like others have said try some relaxation. Once that baby comes all that pain goes out the window. Its amazing how other women incl myself go on to have more babies. You will be fine :hug:
The physio at my antenatal class is brilliant and has taught us lots of relaxation and breathing techniques that help during labour. She had her baby without pain relief to prove that it could be done so if i were you i would really focus on practicing that kind of thing.

Also, get your OH to practice massage. Apparently him massaging your back/shoulders etc during contractions it a great help especially if he does it hard and slowly - it helps relieve your pain and control your breathing apparently.

I'm not against an epidural but would love to be able to give birth without too many drugs so I'm trying to totally focus on practicing the breathing and relaxing as much as i can.

Good luck
S x
The things is my Hospital dont offer NHS antenatal classes so I am not going to have had any sort of advise!!!

Any advise ladies would be great PM if you can help

If you google 'Natal Hypnotherapy CD' you'll find the one I'm doing. It's about £16 - you'd need the one for hospital births.

You can join NHS classes at any hospital I think, especially if yours doesn't do them. My hospital doesn't so I'm going to some in the next closest hospital - they are part of the same trust. Have you asked your MW? I thought they had to suggest somewhere so you have an option?

my midwife hasnt said anything about classes!! I just wish someone could help me out, what do you think my best option is

I'd phone the hospital or your MW and ask them to recommend what you should do. They may be all booked up by now, but it's got to be worth a try. My MW told me to ask at the hospital, or do the NCT ones (which I'm doing). She only told me when I asked though, and then I had to look into the hospital ones myself - nobody gave me any info.

Has your hospital got a website? That's where I found out how to get the NHS ones at the other hospital, as they had a link.

Good luck, x
Thats great Kaybee I will have a llok and let you know how I get on if they have got a website!!



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