hospital stay after section

It's average 2 nights at our hospital, but very much play it by ear. Going by your ticker bubs will be 37 weeks by then, a lady at the school had her baby at 36+1 and was home 3 days later with her lil boy. He was small but no problems at all so they came home together x
Think our hospital is 2-3 days cos I have to be in 48hrs before for insulin drip/steroids to mature little ones lungs (apparently the steroids mess up the insulin levels so not as straight forward), then booked for first section on the list on Tuesday which *fingers crossed* will be around 9am and hopefully home Thurs/Fri all going well.
Will be the longest I have been away from our DS Charlie but were trying to explain it to him so he has an idea that mummy will be in hospital for a little while. He is used to me working shifts til midnight so not being home when DH collects him from childminder but I think the morning routine will be a little fraught at home without me :(
yeah I got the steriod injections at 25 weeks 4 jabs over 48 hours in the bum cheeks they were ouchy lol

i know what you mean I think thats whats at the back of my mind the routine that I have and all the things that Peter will have to do will be hard work for him too

Katie - what weight was the baby do you know, the reason for me having the section at 36 weeks is because our baby isnt growing properly and she is only 3lbs and should be around 5lbs just now xx
Hi Clare

See you are from North Ayrshire (I'm from Coylton) ... I had C Section 41/2 years ago at the old Ayrshire Central and got home on the fourth day - I don't think that was like policy or anything - I think they just see how you are. Also don't know if things have changed much since then - especially now that they have the new unit at Crosshouse.

Hope it all goes well for you

Best wishes

Lindsay xxx
Hi Lindsay

Yeah I had Mia there almost 6 years ago and loved ayrshire Central but Crosshouse have been really good with the care i am getting cause of the growth problems with baby, the midwife was telling me today its 72 hours(ish) depending on the whole situation, so do you still live in Coylton and will you be going to Crosshouse to have the baby xx
Hi - yes I'm still in Coylton and will be going to Crosshouse when the time comes.

I think it just depends how the op goes and how you are doing afterwards before they turn you loose. Is Mia excited about the baby? My little girl fluctuates from being very excited to totally not bothered deping on her mood lol!!
hey i was in for 2 days (WELL longer however it was because josh was on precautinonary meds) however i got officially discharged from the medical care after 48 hours however stayed in to look ater josh fr an extra 3 days. I have to say i needed the 5 days to be honest, i absolutely HATED it at the time however think in retrospect it was probably worth having the bed rest and added medic al support cos albeit 'discharged' they did help look after me! x
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yeah I think that al just need to wait and see how im feeling I know that when I go home Peter wont let me do ANYTHING lol which is good I suppose xx
I think he was just under 5lb Hun. Just looked at my sons red book, he was born at 33 weeks and was 3lb and when he came home he was 4lb. He only had to stay in as he had probs establishing feeds once off tube feeding and was jaundiced, he'd have been home sooner if not for that. I know it's hard not to worry, I have ongoing probs with this pregnancy but have just stopped trying to plan too much and have kind of said what will be will be and we'll deal with anything that arises once she's here. PM if you want to chat or have any questions xxx
thanks Katie I have had the same attitude as you just take each day as it comes and deal with any problems if and when there are any, think that there are a few of us in Tri 3 having the same problems xx
I was in for a week after my section but that was 6 years ago in Derbyshire and they only kept me in that long coz LO was in SCBU they told me that if he wasn't in SCBU I would've been home in 3 days maximum x

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