Hospital outside of my NHS trust


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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I got a letter this morning from my midwife which was for everyone with EDD from August till November. Basically the hospital I've chosen is having work done on the floor above which means they have less beds on maternity wards downstairs. The letter says if I need a planned Caesarian or induction, it's likely I will have to go to another hospital in the trust. This other hospital is over an hour from me whereas the original hospital is only 15-20mins away. They've also said they'll be discharging women earlier than normal as soon as its safe to do so and community mws will be in charge of supporting breastfeeding. I really wanted to stay in hospital until I had bf established and I felt confident to go home because I know how over stretched the community mws are and I probably wouldn't get the same support at home.

Basically my question is, can I request to go to a different hospital that's in a different NHS trust to me? It's only 30 mins away and has a really good reputation.

Thanks girls, hope that all makes sense!!
Bee x
I am sure you can. I had choice between one in my NHS trust as midwife and one in a different one. I chose the one in same NHS trust but know lots of other mums who chose the other one and was fine. Maybe ask your midwife? Have you got another appt soon? xx
Yeah I'll be able to ask next week. It's just frustrating when you have your mind set on one place, have done the tour etc and now I may need to go somewhere else. I'm really worried about being discharged a few hours after delivery because I really don't want that, I know it suits some women but this is our first baby and I just want to feel confident before I come home
That sounds a bit rubbish :-( the community midwives won't short change you on support though, they're usually very willing - particularly post nataly, to give as much advice as you need. Hospital midwives tend to work a bit differently.

Time/distance wise obviously the other hospital sounds better, hope you can get it sorted though to your preference :-) xxx
There seems to be such a shortage of midwifes here, the local midwife led unit has closed due to staffing issues too.

Apparently when baby is born ill only have 1 midwife visit the next day and then they pass over to maternity care assistants (I think that's what they're called) who can support with breastfeeding and then health visitors.

My midwife tried to book me in for an appointment for next week because of my blood pressure and there were no appointments left at all so I have to go to the hospital on Monday. They just seem so overstretched which is such a shame :-(
That is rubbish especially if you had all all tour and everything and got all prepared for going to that hospital :( and its my firs t too and agree would be nice to stay in for bit longer to make sure get going with breastfeeding. my hospital doesn't even do tours though. Xxx

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