hospital last night


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
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went to the hospital last night thanks to NHS Direct :shakehead:

the period like pains are due to a water infection, but they wouldnt give me anything for it last night

have to go to my gp at 3 and get some anti biotics!

why disnt nhs direct just tell me to go gps today instead of making me wait in hospital for 3 hours! lol
I guess NHS direct have to be cautious - after all if they give you the wrong advice, you could sue them!

I've found them to be useless when I ring them - they always seem to want to know if I'm having a heart attack or something serious. If I felt that bad I'd go straight to A&E. I only ring them when it's out of hours at GP or I need advice on something.
it was 6pm when i phoned, just wanted to make sure i wouldnt be wasting gp's time tbh if i went down cos of "period pains"

i know its normal to have aches and pains about this time so didnt want to be seen as one of those mothers that love GPs if u get what i mean lol

they always make things out to be worse, they scared me lol

on about miscarriage etc

not nice!!!
I have a water infection in my kidney at the moment and its horrible!!! So I know the pain your feeling :hug: :hug: :hug:

Get better soon! :D
You girls with water infections have all my sympathy, I know how excrutiating they can be :hug: :hug:

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