Hospital/Labour Bag

I have two bags too, one for me and a tiny rucksack with baby's things. My going home outfit for baby consists of a sleepsuit/vest is just the best one so I can show him or her off when we leave as I have said I don't want visitors when I am in hospital.
i have got a load of tester shower gels and shampoo as my sis in law does avon parties saves a lot of space in my bag.
i have a small holdall 4 my stuff n a bigger one for baby as i needed 2 fit in nappies ets.
i use sensitive fragrance free wipes 4 the first nappies once iv got rid of all that sticky meconium with cotton wool it gets rid of the last sticky stubborn remnants.
my hospital doesnt supply pads or anything like that.
a lot has changed since i had my first baby nearly 4 yrs ago so i tend to do what i think is best for my babies than listen to every single do and dont from MWs although some are just common sense.
i take a drawstring bag in the delivery room with one nappy one vest one hat one sleepsuit and a blanket etc 4 straight after the birth then i can leave evrything on the maternity ward (i have been in hospital for weeks b4 and after both my babies births!)
who would've thought having a baby was so complicated!!!!! lol

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