Hospital Birth for me and biff *its cool I dont mind*


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Ive just spent the last hour in hospital on CTG. Little ( or not so little) monkey had only moved once all day and that was very unlike him! He usually pokes me with his big bottom at every given opportunity! So off for trace I went. Turns out everything is fine and as soon as the monitor goes on he starts to kick. One thing though I heard tons of kicks but could only feel a quarter of them so we think he must be kicking the placenta :roll:

Whilst I was at the birth centre which I must add is so clean and lovely I asked when could I book to have baby in there. The lovely midwife told me after looking at my notes that it is unlikely that I can go there after I have had a bleed as they have no doctors there. Also that baby is measuring large for dates and they wont take anyone whos baby is likely to be over 4kg. I have scan on Wednesday so she told me to see how he is measuring then but if he is anywhere near that then it would be a no. Reason being he would be much more likely to get stuck at the shoulders and Im only tiny :? although they would pack me off to hospital its 30mins away and chances of making it in that situation are slim to none. Im not too upset that I may have to go to hospital as I just want my little/big man to arrive safe and if that means having him in hospital then so be it.

On way home ( Grandad took me) my Nan tells me big babies are in our family. My Grandad was 11lb, his bro 10lb & Sis just over 10lb and his youngest Sister....13lb :shock: Im starting the eviction plan in 2 weeks!
Awwwwwwww-sorry to hear that you can't have your Lo in the birthing centre-it sounded so much better than that hospital you described. Your right least you know everything will be safe for his arrival.

Glad Lo is ok and moving about...looks like you are destined to have a biff baby tho hun!!! (unless you manage to evict him early)

:D :D :D :D :D
My Grandad was 11lb, his bro 10lb & Sis just over 10lb and his youngest Sister....13lb Im starting the eviction plan in 2 weeks!

:shock: :shock:

Yep - I think an eviction plan sounds fair.... :wink:
ah hun thats a shame :hug:
but at least you little man is doing well :cheer:
so whats on you eviction plan?
hope it works
:hug: :wave:
Oh lord... big babies in your family!!!

I hope the hospital are good for you, not what you described in a post beforehand!

:hug: xx
thats a shame hun,im sure everything will go ok in hospital tho, teeny people gave birth really easily to big babies and sometimes bigger ladies give birth to 6pounders and are in agony it all just depends....
Thanks girls :hug:

Im already writing a shopping list for the eviction. Im going to eat loads of hot curry - I hate curry too :lol:

Ive packed tons of dettol wipes and spray for the hospital so I can give the room and the bath a good clean myself. It was pretty skank but needs must, hopefully I wont be there very long :)
sorry you can't have your birth at the midwife unit :hug: :hug:
At least James is ok, and once you're holding him you won't care where you are :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear that having your baby in the birting centre is out of question for you :hug:

I know it would be lovely to give birth in a lovely environment, but labour is hardly going to be like a picnic so hope it doesn't matter too much where you'll have it done. It will hurt all the same whether it was in the best birithing centre or in the ambulance (unless you've had epidural of course).

Bring on the curry (great eviction plan). I've also heard that it may be easier to push bigger babies out...
Hi Tilly, sorry you were a wee bit worried today and had to go and get checked. Typical of the baby to start moving as soon as the monitor is on! lol!

Sorry you are not going to be able to give birth at the centre, but your attitude is really good - as long as you and your baby are safe, then it will be ok. Glad to hear that you and baby are doing well, but an eviction plan seems a good idea. I am working on one too! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Sorry to hear you are not gonna be able to go to the birth centre :hug:

Good idea though to take your own dettol etc to the hospital, planning on doing the same myself. At least you know you will be in the right place should need be :hug:
:hug: :hug: Sorry you cant go to the birthing unit - hope you are feeling ok. Same for me but for different reasons - they are shutting our midwife led unit from tomorrow for a few weeks for refurbishment! :wall: :wall: What bad timing! :(
aww hun sorry its not going to plan for you
how comes your not down for a home-birth now what made you change your mind about it?
detol is great though i have a small spray bottle and a pack of the wipes in my hossie bag incase i have to go in :)
manda xx
I know :roll:

Well I wanted a homebirth but OH wasnt convinced or too happy about it so we agreed on birthing centre but it looks like a homebirth would be even more out of the question if he is big, plus the amniotic fluid levels are high and its a bit risky. Maybe the next baby will be at home :D
ah i see hun i was trying to rack my brain thinking if i had seen a post saying why you wasnt having one now :)
im sure a hospital birth wil be fine you can be in and out in no time hopefully
manda xx
Awww sorry to hear this. I know how much you liked the MW led unit and if it could not be a homebirth then this was your next preference (same as me).

Sometimes things happen we have no control over and while a hospital birth is not your ideal at least you can be prepared for it mentally and try to have a birth plan that can at least be followed in some ways if not others.

I think its very true that the most important thing is that LO arrives safe and sound and if that means in hospital so they can help you and him then so be it.

Hubby and I were talking about this yesterday and he said that he felt that way. That while he was looking forward to a homebirth with me that if we had to be in hospital, that our LO and me making it safe and sound was the priority and it didn't matter how it was acheived, so long as it happened. He knows how much I don't want a hospital birth but that I am accepting of it if it needs to happen.

I'm hoping you might still get your MW led unit birth if biff baby isn't too biffy. I find out today if mine is still biffy also. I'm crossing my fingers Bump is coming in somewhere very average :lol: so I can get signed off on the homebirth. If not then :roll: :wall: :x its a rethink for me possibly also.

Have loads of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you have to go to hospital, I know you had your heart set on the MW unit/Homebirth have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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