Hospital Birth for me and biff *its cool I dont mind*

Only just seen this as I am a bit s s l l o o w w w w ...

Sorry to hear you can't go to the midwife unit. This is my number one worry at the moment too!! Anyway I'm sure with your superior cleaning skills you will be able to de-skank the hospital room and be happy enough to give birth there. As long as James arrives safely you will be happy :cheer:
Babes, once james is here, you won't even think about where you had him...things never go to plan in pregnancy do they?? Listen just text me when you're in there and i'll get Matt to tell me some crappy rude jokes that i can forward to u, that should take your mind off the skankyness!!! :rotfl:
I'm in the eviction process now and blimming nothing is don't get hopes up...PS - Biffs rule :cheer: :cheer:
LOL - thanks girls. Im cool about the hospital now :D its only a few hours of my life and I get my baby at the end of it no matter how horrid the experience is. Im sure it will be fine anyway :cheer: :cheer: Mum said earlier that I wouldnt care where I was, I could be in the middle of a field giving birth and it wont matter at the time LOL

I had lollies for lunch - that counts as yummy :lol:
Wish u the best tillytots and ur baby,
strange though i always wanted my baby to be on the bigger side didn't think if labour is going to be harder or so. i think bigger babies r easier handled than LO's but my mum disagrees as she is worried i would end up with a c-section. :?
A section was my fear too but Im getting to the point where I dont care how he gets here, as long as it doesnt take too long now as Im a total Mrs Blobby who gets stuck on the sofa which is fine when OH is here but challenging when he isnt :lol:
Sorry to hear you cant have the birth you planned but im sure like others have said it will be special wherever you are.

We always knew you were growing a big strong boy in there.

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